

单词 dribbles
释义 drib·ble·s 英'drɪbl美'drɪbl COCA⁵⁸⁴⁹¹BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid;

there's a drip through the roof

saliva spilling from the mouththe propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks
run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream;

water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose

reports began to dribble in

let or cause to fall in drops;

dribble oil into the mixture


Carry the ball

dribble the ball

let saliva drivel from the mouth;

The baby drooled

crossover dribble交叉运球dribble charging带球撞人dribble block运球急停作定位掩护…saliva dribble医 流涎, 垂涎…dribble blending化 一滴一滴地混…double dribble两次运球dribble urine尿液滴落arch dribble弧线运球air dribble空中运球illegal dribble运球违例standing dribble原地运球swerving dribble变向运球low dribble低运球push dribble推球运球
近义词 drip滴leak渗spit唾液seep渗出drop落下carry携带shower淋浴drivel傻话slaver口水trickle滴流drool流口水distill蒸馏filter过滤器slobber流口水dribbling运球slabber切块机ooze使渗出gutta建圆锥饰salivate分泌过多唾液…

Hedribbledpast the goalie to score.他带球越过守门员射门得分。
Babies oftendribbleat the mouth.婴儿常会在嘴角流口水。用作名词He wiped adribbleof milk from his chin with a handkerchief.他用手帕擦去淌在下巴上的一点牛奶。 Any of numerous crustaceans of the order Isopoda, characterized by a flattened body bearing seven pairs of legs and including the sow bugs and dribbles.
等足类动物一种等足目甲壳动物,特征是具有一个带有七对足的扁平身体,其中包括潮虫和蛀。 iciba

On the way, a last bit of piss dribbles onto my thigh. I pick up a dirty sock from the floor, wipe the urine off and toss the sock in a corner.
走到半路上,最后一滴掉在了大腿上,我从地上捡起一只脏袜子,擦了擦,然后把袜子随手扔到墙角。 yeeyan

The coolant vaporization in the hot viscous liquid was in the form of dribbles.
冷剂在热粘液中汽化,是以泡滴的形态进行的。 cnki

There should not be a limit on the number of dribbles by the receiver. It is not even necessary that the assist be given on the last pass.
助攻不应该局限于接球者拍球的次数,甚至助攻可以不是最后那次传球。 mop

Without reason, my eye crystalline lens tear, unconscious, the drop dribbles down.
玲珑转,玲珑转,我眼睛珠泪,不知不觉,滴滴流下来。 bestufcknockouts.com

Babies often dribbles on their bibs.
婴儿常流口水在围嘴上。 tdict

But as the region remains a loose affiliation of small markets, much of that capital dribbles out into the US and Europe.
但是在该地区仍是小市场间的松散的联系。许多资本逐渐进入到美国和欧洲。 yeeyan

Flair- loving Brazilian supporters quickly came to adore his selection of dribbles, feints and shimmies, which could infuriate even the best of defenders.
热衷于天才表演的巴西球迷很快就为他的盘带、假动作和虚晃钦慕不已,而这些绝技,连最好的后卫也会恼羞成怒。 yeeyan

For example, better dribbles keep the ball closer to their feet than poor ones.
举个例子,在盘带好手脚下,球和脚的距离更近。 onfifa.com

He dribbles a little urine after he has finished urinating.
他小便后,还会有少量零星地淌下。 howlearn.com

He dribbles past a fullback.
他晃过了一名后卫。 hotdic

He dribbles skillfully.
他运球娴熟。 ebigear

In these cases we have to think of playing out wide, not go on dribbles, long balls, in these situations we allow the opposition to get the ball back.
在这种情况下,我们应该大脚出球,而不是继续带球或者长传,因为那样会让对手得到球。 bbs.mcfc2006.com

It would be fluffy and sweet, iced to perfection with dark chocolate dribbles cascading down the sides.
那将是一个既松软又香甜,经冷却完成后四周点缀着瀑布状的黑巧克力的蛋糕。 dict

One man dribbles everyone in the opposite team, just can't beat the goalkeeper.
一个人带球过掉对方所有人,就是对付不了守门员。 blog.for68.com

Wilshere wins back the ball, he passes, he turns, dribbles, goes and shoots. I saw everything. The style of Arsenal is touch, touch, touch, touch. Like Barcelona.
威尔谢尔抢下球后,他会选择传球,转身,盘带,带球然后射门。这些都可以看到。阿森纳的风格在于一再的短传和控制。像巴塞罗那。 yeeyan




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