

单词 aamodt
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The marriages of massage therapists, nurses and home health aides were also at high risk for divorce, according to Aamodt and McCoy.
阿茂德特和麦考伊认为,按摩治疗师、护士和家庭健康助手也是离婚风险高的职业。 newssgo.com

“ The most simple way is to talk to your baby and around your baby a lot, ” says Aamodt.
最简单的方法就是和孩子说话,多陪他们。 yeeyan

“ They really come equipped to learn about the world in a way that wasn't appreciated until recently, ” says neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt.
到这个世界学习,它们确实有备而来。而这,直到最近才被承认。 yeeyan

Aamodt and fellow neuroscientist Sam Wang explain how the human brain develops from infancy to adolescence in their new book, Welcome to Your Child's Brain.
Aamodt和同行 Sam Wang在他们的书《孩子的大脑世界欢迎你》中解释了从婴儿到青少年脑部的发育过程。 yeeyan




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