

单词 DRC
释义 DRCEconomist¹²⁵¹¹
abbr.数据记录控制=Data Record Control
The joint visit comes at a significant moment in the history of DRC with the first democratically elected president in40 years after many years of war.
联合考察是在刚果民主共和国的一个重要历史时刻进行的;刚果在多年战乱之后有了40年来第一个经过民主选举产生的总统。 worldbank

Dolan says one NGO in eastern DRC reported that six of the16 cases of male rape it had worked with had either died of health complications or committed suicide.
多兰说刚果民主共和国东部的一个非政府组织报导在16件男性强奸案中有6例受害者要不得健康方面的并发症要不自杀身亡。 yeeyan

DRC is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with two-thirds or possibly three-quarters of the population living below the poverty threshold of a dollar a day.
刚果民主共和国是非洲最贫困的国家之一,有三分之二甚至可能四分之三的人口生活在每天一美元的贫困线以下。 worldbank




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