

单词 drawl
释义 drawl 英drɔːl美drɔlAHDdrôl ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁷²⁸⁸BNC³⁰¹⁴⁶iWeb³⁵⁴³¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels
lengthen and slow down or draw out;

drawl one's vowels

来自draw, 拉。拉长语调音。GRE红宝书draw拉, 1声音被拉长的状态一拉长调子的说话
draw + l, l 象一条长线,代表着长,拉着说
分割记忆: draw抽+l, 一点点抽出来→慢说
GRE难词记忆drawl→draw v.拉,抽+long a.长的→拉得很长→拉长腔调说联想记忆draw抽+ l → 一点点抽出来 ⇒慢吞吞地说近义词 twang弦声burr粗喉音inflection屈曲intonation语调enunciation阐明brogue半统工作靴pronunciation发音

用作动词Hedrawleda greeting to her.他慢吞吞地对她说声问候。
Shedrawledin that slow, lazy style of hers.她以她那种缓慢的、懒洋洋的方式拖长声调地说话。用作名词She speaks with a Southerndrawl.她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气。
He had a bit of a Southerndrawl.他说话有点南方人慢吞吞拖长音调的口音。verb.lengthen, draw out
同义词 chant,drone,extend,intone,nasalize,prolong,protract,utterdrag out,pronounce slowly
反义词 abbreviate,curtail,shortenclip
droneverb making noise continuously
dronedverb making noise continuously
pronunciationnoun way something is said
speakverb talk
allege,articulate,assert,aver,blab,break silence,chat,chew,communicate,converse,convey,declare,deliver,descant,discourse,drawl,enunciate,expatiate,express,gab,gas,go,jaw,lip,make known,make public,modulate,mouth,mumble,murmur,mutter,open one's mouth,perorate,pop off,pronounce,put into words,rap,say,shout,sound,speak one's piece,spiel,spill,state,tell,utter,verbalize,vocalize,voice,whisper,yak,yakety-yak,yammer
speaksverb talk
alleges,articulates,asserts,avers,blabs,breaks silence,chats,chews,communicates,converses,conveys,declares,delivers,descants,discourses,drawls,enunciates,expatiates,expresses,gabs,gases,goes,jaws,lips,makes known,makes public,modulates,mouths,mumbles,murmurs,mutters,open one's mouth,perorates,pops off,pronounces,puts into words,raps,says,shouts,sounds,speaks one's piece,spiels,spills,states,tells,utters,verbalizes,vocalizes,voices,whispers,yakkety-yaks,yaks,yammers
talkverb produce words;inform
articulate,babble,broach,chant,chat,chatter,comment on,communicate,confess,converse,describe,divulge,drawl,drone,express,flap one's tongue,gab,gabble,give voice to,gossip,influence,intone,notify,palaver,parley,patter,persuade,prate,prattle,pronounce,reveal,rhapsodize,run on,say,sing,soliloquize,speak,spill the beans,spout,squeak,squeal,talk one's leg off,tell,tell all,use,utter,ventriloquize,verbalize,voice,yak An Alabaman with a gentlemanly drawl, Mr Cook would be a very different manager from Mr Jobs.
Cook先生是个有着绅士风度的阿拉巴马州人,他与乔布斯的风格完全不同。 ecocn

And it tore me up every time I heard her drawl, Southern drawl.
一听到她拖着南方长音,我就会被撕扯。 blog.sina.com.cn

Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
如果他表现得迟疑或只是点点头是不是虚伪? donews

“ I'm obsessed with radioactivity. I don't know why, ” says Wilson in his laid-back drawl.
“我不知道为什麽,我着迷于放射性,”威尔逊以他的悠閒拖长声调说。 every-zone.com

“ Why did you come out here tonight?” he asked with a lazy drawl, his hands still holding her waist loosely.
“今晚,你为什么到这来?”他怠慢而慢吞吞地问,他的手一直松松地搂着她的腰。 blog.sina.com.cn

AFTER my uncle Sheldon moved to Dallas, he returned to Brooklyn for a visit flaunting a bolo tie, a splashy pair of cowboy boots and a nascent drawl.
我叔叔谢尔顿搬到达拉斯后,有一天他回到布鲁克林拜访,来炫耀自己的波洛领带,鲜艳的牛仔靴,絮絮叨叨了很久。 yeeyan

Fode, whose skin was tinted red, provided commentary in an easy Basic drawl, while Beed, the green-hued head, provided counterpoint in Huttese.
红皮肤的福德用轻松的基本语懒洋洋地解说,而绿头的比德用赫特语播报比赛实况。 starwarsfans

He is single and a workaholic. He has a southern drawl and is as cool as Mr Jobs runs hot.
单身的他是一个工作狂,说话带着南方口音,慢条斯理;乔布斯急躁的时候,他却可以泰然处之。 ecocn

He talked freely and intimately in a low, hesitating drawl that was not unpleasant to hear.
他的言谈随意而亲密,低沉犹豫的腔调听起来也并不会让人不悦。 yeeyan

His mother was speaking with a slight drawl.
他母亲说话的声音稍稍拖长一下。 kuenglish

His voice was oddly pleasant to the ear, the well-modulated voice of a gentleman, resonant and overlaid with the flat slow drawl of the Charlestonian.
他那声音,她听来觉得分外愉快,是一个上等人的节奏抑扬的调子,响亮而带有查尔斯顿人的平稳、和缓、悠长的韵味。 jukuu

She speaks with a Southern drawl.
它慢吞吞的,一步步的走上坡来。 bab

The man's drawl was definitely southern in origin, diluted by years in the West.
从这个男人懒洋洋说话声音,可以看出他原来在南方,后来在西部数年,口音就冲淡了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Under the direction of light drawl my shadow.
路灯下斜斜的拉长了我的影子。 blog.sina.com.cn




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