

单词 drawer
释义 draw·er 英ˈdrɔːə美ˈdrɔɚAHDdrôʹər ★★☆☆☆小初中高四六研IT牛4COCA⁵⁵¹⁸BNC⁶⁸³⁶iWeb⁵⁰⁷²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺


boxlike container that slides in and out of a piece of furniture

a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made so as to slide in and outthe person who writes a check or draft instructing the drawee to pay someone elsean artist skilled at drawing词根词缀: draw拉,勾画 + -er名词词尾,人或物
用作名词 n.
动词+~lock the drawer把抽屉锁上open a drawer开抽屉push in〔pull out〕 a drawer把抽屉推上〔拉出〕介词+~in the drawer在抽屉里
联想记忆draw拉+er→拉开抽屉→抽屉draw拉+er物→可拉出来的东西⇒抽屉近义词 draftsman起草者
用作名词n.The paper is in my deskdrawer.论文在我书桌的抽屉里。
He forgot to clean out hisdrawers yesterday.他昨天忘记清理抽屉了。Pdrawerfuln.抽屉Pco-drawer共同发票人Pchecksdrawer支票发票人Pdole-drawer失业救济金领取者Ptop-drawera.地位最高的最重要的Pdrawer-payee以自己为收款人的汇票发票人

用作名词He found the money secreted in adrawer.他找到了藏在抽屉里的钱。
There is a pair of scissors in the bottomdrawer.最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀。
Thedrawerwill write the check.出票人将填写支票。
Adrawermay specify himself on a cheque as the payee.出票人可以在支票上记载自己为收款人。
I'm not a very gooddrawer.我不擅长绘图。as in.case
同义词 bag,baggage,basket,bin,box,cabinet,caddy,caisson,canister,capsule,carton,cartridge,casing,casket,chamber,chassis,chest,coffer,cover,covering,crate,crating,crib,envelope,folder,grip,holder,integument,jacket,receptacle,scabbard,sheath,shell,suitcase,trunk,wallet,wrapper,wrapping
casenoun container;items in container
bag,baggage,basket,bin,box,cabinet,caddy,caisson,canister,capsule,carton,cartridge,casing,casket,chamber,chassis,chest,coffer,cover,covering,crate,crating,crib,envelope,folder,grip,holder,integument,jacket,receptacle,scabbard,sheath,shell,suitcase,trunk,wallet,wrapper,wrapping Put it in the drawer.
那就放回抽屉里。 yeeyan

The topics ranged from the contents of that desk's drawer to whether God existed. He often weighed in on major news topics.
话题内容可以从桌子抽屉里的东西一直讲评到上帝是否存在,同时他也经常参与重大新闻话题的讨论。 yeeyan

The topics ranged from the contents of that desk's drawer to whether God existed.
节目主题的范围从这个桌子的抽屉到是否上帝真正存在。 yeeyan

The drawer- bottom was solid cedar of Lebanon, for the smell.
抽屉底用的是黎巴嫩杉木,是为了取其气味。 ecocn

We’re starting this year by going back to basics and organizing and simplifying one place that you see every morning: your undies drawer.
我们通过回归基本开启今年,组织和简化一个你每天早上见到的地方:你的内衣抽屉。 yeeyan

Also note that there is no“ junk drawer” for unseen notifications, users only get one chance to see it.
注意,并不存在一个收集未读通知的“杂物抽屉”,所以用户只有一次机会看到通知。 infoq

Choose a small area or one drawer to get started and schedule time to complete the task.
选择一个小领域或者一个抽屉来开始,然后安排好完成工作的时间。 yeeyan

Dedicate a small shelf or a drawer to lunch things and kit it out with the basics.
贡献出一个小架子或一个抽屉来装午餐材料,将所需的基本用品装备齐全。 yeeyan

Dennis peered into the room and saw her take a small red object out of her briefcase and quickly hide it in the bottom drawer of her dresser.
丹尼斯窥视着房间里的一举一动,只见她从公文包里拿出一个红色的小东西,快速地把它藏在梳妆台最底下的抽屉里。 yeeyan

Each drawer is a partition.
每个抽屉都是一个分区。 ibm

For example, if you rarely use the hole punch, store it in the office supplies drawer.
举个例子,如果你很少用到打孔器,将它收进办公用具的抽屉里。 yeeyan

He jumbled up everything in the drawer to find his key.

He shoved his clothes into the drawer.
他将衣服胡乱塞进抽屉。 putclub

I chanced on this old photograph in his drawer.

I want you to open your drawer and find pretties that fit you properly.
我想让你打开你的抽屉,找出那些漂亮的刚好合你身的内衣。 yeeyan

In the dresser, second drawer.
在衣柜里,第二个抽屉。 ebigear

It defines a language for opening secret compartments in buildings by performing actions like opening a drawer or closing a door.
这种语言可以用类似打开一个抽屉或者关上一扇门之类的动作来操作建筑物中的密室。 infoq

Its drawback was obvious, so he locked it in a drawer.
它的缺点是明显的,于是他把它锁进了一个抽屉。 ebigear

My pen turned up in a drawer.

Put a small table with a drawer underneath it.
在钥匙架下面放一个带抽屉的小桌子。 yeeyan

Put it in a desk drawer.

Remove this drawer and empty the entire contents onto a table.
把这个抽屉搬出来,所有东西倒在一张桌子上。 yeeyan

Screwdriver-does it make sense to be in this drawer? would it be better off in the toolbox or garage?
螺丝起子——放在这个抽屉里可有意义? 放在工具箱或车库里会不会更好呢? yeeyan

Some would put her photo in the drawer. Others would cast it in the trash.
一些人会把她的照片贴在抽屉里,另一些人会把它扔垃圾桶里。 yeeyan

There should be two adapters that can access the drawer to keep availability and redundancy on the server side.
还要有两个能够访问这个抽屉的适配器以保证服务器端的可用性和冗余。 ibm

This drawer contains all the forks we own.
这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的餐叉。 hxen

Uneasily, he placed the fish in the drawer of an old metal filing cabinet.
他浑身不自在地把鱼放进一个老式金属文件柜的抽屉里。 yeeyan




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