

单词 draps
释义 draps
Click on any picture you like anddrapand drop it into the Web Clipboard.单击并拖放你喜欢的图片到网页剪贴板。
The Scottish variant of this fortune-telling technique is called “drapglasses.苏格兰有种不大一样的占卜术叫做“滴杯”。
Anita wants to buy some newdrapsfor the living room, and she wants Jone's help and opinion. They are in a drapery shop.艾昵塔想买一些新窗帘布置客厅,她希望约翰能帮忙,提供一点建议。他们正在窗帘店。
In Windows platform, this configuration software can realizedrapand drop, joint between each module.在Windows平台上,论文研究的组态软件能实现各模块的拖放、连接,实现“软布线”,完成对控制环路的组态。
In slave days, it was something they never tasted except at Christmas, when each one received a “drap” along with his gift.只要像托尼这样的好青年还在,我想我们就不用过多地为南方担忧。让我们去睡吧。”
In slave days, it was something they never tasted except at Christmas, when each one received a “drap” along with his gift .在奴隶制时代,除圣诞节外,他们从来也尝不到它,只有到了圣诞节,每个黑人在领取礼物时可以尝到那么“一丁点儿”。




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