

单词 airstrike
释义 airstrike 英'erˌstraɪk美'erˌstraɪk 高COCA²⁶⁰³⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb¹⁸⁶⁹¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Omar Khan was one of11 villagers the Guardian interviewed about the airstrike.
奥马尔·罕是《卫报》记者就空袭采访的11个村民之一。 yeeyan

On taking office he called the Kunduz airstrike militarily“ appropriate” despite its horrific death toll.
甫一上任,他就鼓吹昆都士的空袭是军事上“合适”的,尽管死亡人数非常惊人。 ecocn

The Afghan government says a NATO airstrike has killed27 civilians in southern Afghanistan.
阿富汗政府说,北约在阿富汗南部的一次空袭造成27名平民死亡。 voa365

The statement said local political and security officials reported at least70 people, including women and children were killed in the airstrike.
声明说,当地政府和安全官员报告说,至少70人在空袭中丧生,包括妇女和儿童。 ebigear

They began in September with a NATO airstrike called by a German colonel against a group of Taliban who had hijacked two fuel trucks in Kunduz.
麻烦自九月北约一次空袭始。在德国一陆军中尉的要求下,北约向在昆都士劫持了两辆油罐车的一伙塔利班进行空袭。 ecocn

A senior member of Hamas was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home today, after Israel rejected any temporary halt to its bombing campaign.
继以色列拒绝任何临时停火协议后,今天,哈马斯一高官在以色列空袭中丧生,导弹击中了他的房屋。 yeeyan

An airstrike in Azizabad, in western Afghanistan, killed as many as92 people in August2008.
2008年八月发生在阿富汗西部阿齐贾巴德的一次空袭杀害了92名平民。 yeeyan

But the Israeli military said hours later that it launched an airstrike to hit back Gaza militants' rockets attack Sunday in the first such incident following the unilateral truce.
但以军方几小时后称,他们宣布停火不久,巴武装人员就对其实施了火箭弹袭击,于是他们也发动了一次空袭来回应。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But the Abyan airstrike killed a number of women and children, which only increased local tolerance for the presence of AQAP fighters in their midst.
但是在阿布延,空袭因为杀死了很多妇女和儿童,而使得当地人对寄居此处的基地组织成员反而更宽容了。 yeeyan

But there continued to be high-profile incidents, including one where23 civilians were killed in a NATO airstrike in February.
但是二月份还是在那里阿富汗发生了一起备受瞩目的事件,包括23名平民在北约的一次空袭中丧失。 yeeyan

Despite the airstrike campaign, the leadership of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula survives, and there is little sign the group is much weaker.
尽管空袭行动不断,基地组织在阿拉伯半岛的领导力依旧幸存了下来,并且没有任何迹象表明他们受到了严重的打击。 yeeyan

He and General James Cartwright the vice- chairman of the Joint Chiefs favored an airstrike by B-2 Spirit bombers.
他和参谋长联系会议副主席 James Cartwright将军倾向于使用 B-2隐形轰炸机进行空袭。 yeeyan

In June, a U.S. airstrike on a border post accidentally killed11 Pakistani troops.
今年6月,美军对边界上一个检查站发动的空袭造成11名巴基斯坦军人死亡。 ebigear

In September a German commander called an airstrike near Kunduz that killed and wounded as many as142 people, some of them civilians.
在9月份,一名德国指挥官下令的一波在昆都士省附近的空袭导致了多达142人的伤亡,其中不乏平民。 ecocn

Just last week up to90 people, apparently mostly civilians, were killed in Afghanistan in an airstrike, and the violence is only getting worse.
仅在上周就有90条鲜活的生命,很显然大部分都是平民,死于盟军在阿富汗的空袭之下,且那里的暴力活动正愈演愈烈。 yeeyan

NATO said the airstrike targeted insurgents who were believed to be traveling to attack allied troops.
北约说,空袭的目标是据信正在行军途中准备袭击联军部队的反叛分子。 voa365

Some supported a raid some an airstrike and others wanted to hold off until the intelligence improved.
一些人支持这个突袭,一些人支持空袭,其他的则建议推迟到情报更完善之后。 yeeyan

The federal prosecutors seem to have endorsed this shift by deciding not to charge the German commander who had ordered in the Kunduz airstrike with war crimes.
联邦的检察官们似乎也迎合了这种转变,他们绝对不去对发动昆都士空袭的德军指挥官发动战争罪的起诉。 ecocn

The spokesman said despite the initial battlefield assessment, U.S.- led coalition forces have launched an investigation into the airstrike.
这位发言人说,尽管进行了初步战场评估,美国领导的联军部队还是对这次空袭展开了调查。 ebigear

The commander was killed in an airstrike.
这名司令员是在空袭中死亡的。 putclub

The operation was launched Friday by the Afghan national army and police, and it was backed by a NATO airstrike, he said.
他说,这次行动是周五由阿富汗国家军队和警察发动,并获得的北约空中打击的支持。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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