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词汇 drag
释义 drag 英dræg美drægAHDdrăg ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46八COCA²⁵⁹²BNC⁹⁵⁸⁰iWeb²⁵⁰⁸Economist⁴²⁶¹

vt. 拖,拉,拽

pull sb/sth along with effort and difficulty

vi. 慢吞吞地走,磨蹭; 进行过久

move slowly and with effort; go on too long

vi. & vt. 使…在地上拖拉

cause sth to trail on the ground

vt. 打捞,经网捞取

search sth with nets, hooks, etc.


the action or an act of dragging


draw on a cigarette, etc.


person or thing that makes progress difficult

the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluidsomething that slows or delays progress;

taxation is a drag on the economy

too many laws are a drag on the use of new land

something tedious and boring;

peeling potatoes is a drag

clothing that is conventionally worn by the opposite sex especially women's clothing when worn by a man;

he went to the party dressed in drag

the waitresses looked like missionaries in drag

a slow inhalation as of tobacco smoke;

he took a puff on his pipe

he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly

the act of dragging pulling with force;

the drag up the hill exhausted him

pull, as against a resistance;

He dragged the big suitcase behind him

These worries were dragging at him

draw slowly or heavily;

haul stones

haul nets

force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action;

They were swept up by the events

don't drag me into this business

move slowly and as if with great effortto lag or linger behind;

But in so many other areas we still are dragging

suck in or take air;

draw a deep breath

draw on a cigarette

use a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu;

drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen

walk without lifting the feetsearch as the bottom of a body of water for something valuable or lostpersuade to come away from something attractive or interesting;

He dragged me away from the television set

proceed for an extended period of time;

The speech dragged on for two hours

drag, draw, pull


首先, draw和pull都指拉向动作者,而drag则指拖向另一地; 其次, drag所拖之物一般较重, pull多为一时突然的动作,而draw则显得从容。例如:

He drew me to himself.他把我拉到他身边。
He dragged the piano to the corner of the room.他使劲地把钢琴拖向房间的角落。
He pulled the door open and rushed out.他把门拉开,冲了出去。drag out, draw out

两者都可作“使…拖得很长”解。drag out侧重于时间的拉长; 而draw out侧重于把事物本身拉长; draw out还有“汲取,草拟”的意思。










用作动词 v.
~+名词drag one's feet拖步而行drag one's heel故意延迟行动drag along拖着脚走,慢慢地行走drag away拉开,拖走drag down …使身体垮掉drag in把…拉进去,硬把…拉扯进来drag off强拉,硬拉drag on拖长drag out拖出来drag up重提旧事、旧话~+介词drag behind orchestra跟不上乐队drag for在河、湖底打捞drag from从…拉开,从…拖走drag into把…拉进…,硬把…拉扯进…drag on大口地吸drag out of把…从…中拉出drag through拖着…穿过drag to把…拖至用作名词 n.动词+~take a drag抽一口烟~+介词drag on …拖累,…的障碍
drag away v.+adv.

将…拉走; 将…硬拖走remove sb/sth by pulling; cause sb to leave with difficulty

drag sb/sth ⇔ awayIt will take two elephants to drag all this wood away.需要两头大象才能把所有的木材拖走。
Have you ever tried dragging a child away from a TV set?你曾试图把孩子从电视机前拖走吗?
drag behind v.+adv.

落在后面move more slowly than sb else

drag behindShe always drags behind.她总是落在后头。
drag down v.+adv.

拖下去; 把身体拖垮 pull sth downwards; make sb feel weak, especially after an illness

drag sb/sth ⇔ downThe box is too heavy to carry down the slope, we'll have to drag it down.这箱子太重,不能扛下坡去,我们只得把它拖下去。
It's the high fever that's been dragging him down.是这场高烧把他的身体拖垮的。
drag in v.+adv.

牵强附会把…扯进去introduce with difficulty or unnecessarily

drag into v.+prep.

〈非正〉强拉…参加… pull or force sb into sth or doing sth

drag sb into sth/v-ingDon't drag me into your plan.不要强迫我参加你们的计划。
He hates parties; we had to drag him into going.他不喜欢参加聚会,我们必须拉他去。
drag off v.+adv.

将…拖〔拉〕走 pull sb/sth away

drag sb/sth ⇔ offI wanted to stay, but she dragged me off to help her shop.我本想留下来,可她硬是把我拉走帮她买东西。
drag on¹ v.+adv.

〈非正〉拖时间,拖延last an unnecessarily long time

drag sth ⇔ onThe actors dragged on a boat with wheels.演员们把下面装有轮子的船拖上来。drag onThe hours dragged on.时间过得很慢。
drag on² v.+prep.

深吸suck at sth deeply

drag on sthHe keeps dragging on his pipe.他一个劲儿地抽烟斗。
drag out v.+adv.

使拖延(cause to last unnecessarily)

drag sth ⇔ outIt's so annoying having to drag out the sewing machine every time I want to make a dress.每次做衣服时我都得把缝纫机拉出来,真烦死人了。drag outThe meeting dragged out all the afternoon.会议整整拖延了一下午。
drag through v.+prep.

缓慢地通过 move slowly through sth

drag through sthThe sail was dragging through the water.帆船正在缓慢地穿过该水域。
drag up v.+adv.

〈非正〉不必要地提起raise a subject unnecessarily

非常记忆dr敌人+ag阿哥⇒敌人把阿哥拖走了近义词 haulpulltrailv. crawl
S+~+AThe heavy coach is dragging along.重载的马车吃力地行进着。
The meeting dragged.会议拖得很长。
The bottom of her long dress dragged in the dust.她长衣裳的下摆拖着尘土。
S+~+ n./pron.They dragged the fallen tree clear of the road.他们把倒下的树从路上拖走。
They're dragging the river for the body of the missing girl.他们在河底打捞失踪女孩的尸体。用作名词n.He walked with a drag.他拖着脚走路。
He took last drags at his cigarettes and stood up.他抽完最后几口烟,站了起来。
He love his family, but they're a drag on his career.他热爱自己的家庭,但家庭却是他事业的累赘。Pdraggya.拖拉的Pdragropen.拖绳Pbedragglevt.弄湿Pdragnetn.拖网法网Pdragging牵引慢移动Pbedraggleda.全身泥污的满身湿透的破烂的Pdraggle-tailn.邋遢女人肮脏而不修边幅的人Pdragglev.拖脏拖湿凌乱地悬挂着掉队落在后面



用作动词Hedraggedthe heavy case across the floor.他在地板上拖着那个沉重的箱子。
Shedraggedherself out of bed, still half asleep.她挣扎着起了床,还是睡眼惺忪。
She alwaysdragsbehind us.她总是在我们后面吃力地跟着。
The first hour of the movie reallydragged.那部电影的前一个小时真的是过得很慢。
I don't want todragout this argument any further.我不想再就这场争论进一步拖长下去。
Shedraggedup that incident just to embarrass me.她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪。
Theydraggedthe canal for the missing child.他们用拖网沿运河打捞失踪孩子的尸体。用作名词The cat is really excited by thedragof the basket on the floor.在地板上来来回回拖着篮子可着实让那只猫兴奋了一回。
Thedragof the his son up to top of the mountain exhausted him.把他的儿子拉上山顶可真累坏了他。
Walking is adrag--let's take the car.走路太费事了——我们坐汽车吧。
High interest rates are adragon the housing market.高利率是住房市场上的一个阻力。noun.something tedious or boring
同义词 annoyance,bore,bother,nuisanceburden,encumbrance,hang-up,hindrance,impediment,pain,pain in the neck,pest,troublepill
反义词 delight,happiness,joy,pleasurenoun.a puff while smoking
同义词 breathing,draw,inhalation,pull,smokeverb.haul something to a new place
同义词 draw,lug,move,pull,tow,transport,yankhale,magnetize,trail,truck,tugschlepp
反义词 push,remainverb.move very slowly
同义词 crawl,creep,hang,shuffledally,dawdle,delay,inch,lag,linger,loiter,poke,procrastinate,sag,shamble,stagnate,straggle,tarry,traipsebe delayed,be quiescent,encounter difficulty,lag behind,limp along,mark time,put off,slow down,trail behind
反义词 advance,finish,go,hasten,hurry,push,run,rush,speed
accompaniesverb go or be with something
adds,appears with,appends,be connects,belongs to,characterizes,co-occurs,coexists,coincides with,comes with,completes,follows,goes together,happens with,joins with,occurs with,supplements,takes place with
accompanyverb go or be with something
associate with,attend,chaperon,come along,conduct,consort,convoy,date,dog,draft,escort,follow,go along,guard,guide,hang around with,hang out,keep company,lead,look after,shadow,shlep along,show about,show around,spook,squire,stick to,string along,tag along,tailgate,take out,usher
adversitiesnoun bad luck, situation
afflictions,bad breaks,bummers,calamities,can of worms,catastrophes,clutches,contretemps,crunches,difficulties,disasters,distress,downers,drags,evil eyes,hard knocks,hard times,hardships,hurtings,ill fortunes,jams,jinxes,kiss of deaths,miseries,misfortunes,mishaps,on the skids,pain in the necks,poisons,reverses,sorrows,sufferings,the worsts,tough lucks,trials,troubles
adversitynoun bad luck, situation
affliction,bad break,bad thing,bummer,calamity,can of worms,catastrophe,clutch,contretemps,crunch,difficulty,disaster,distress,downer,drag,evil eye,hard knocks,hard times,hardship,hurting,ill fortune,jam,jinx,kiss of death,misery,misfortune,mishap,on the skids,pain in the neck,poison,reverse,sorrow,suffering,the worst,tough luck,trial,trouble
anxietynoun worry, tension
all-overs,angst,ants in pants,apprehension,botheration,butterflies,care,cold sweat,concern,creeps,disquiet,disquietude,distress,doubt,downer,drag,dread,fidgets,flap,foreboding,fretfulness,fuss,goose bumps,heebie-jeebies,jitters,jumps,misery,misgiving,mistrust,nail-biting,needles,nervousness,panic,pins and needles,restlessness,shakes,shivers,solicitude,suffering,suspense,sweat,trouble,uncertainty,unease,uneasiness,watchfulness,willies,worriment
attractverb draw attention
allure,appeal to,bait,beckon,beguile,bewitch,bring,captivate,charm,come on,court,drag,draw,enchant,endear,engage,enthrall,entice,entrance,exert influence,fascinate,freak out,give the come-on,go over big,grab,hook,induce,interest,intrigue,inveigle,invite,kill,knock dead,knock out,lure,magnetize,make a hit with,mousetrap,pull,rope in,score,seduce,send,slay,solicit,spellbind,steer,suck in,sweep off one's feet,tempt,turn on,vamp,wile,wow A small bar at the bottom of the window shows the progress and the greatest thing is that I can drag the file to any location directly from the browser.
窗口的底部会出现一个小的地址条显示下载进程,更伟大的是我可以把这个文件从浏览器里直接拖到任何位置。 yeeyan

Some people find this helpful when they get lost inside their design, or when they wish to drag an arrow to a page which is not quite visible in the main window.
有些人发现这在他们感觉到在设计中失去方向感的时候或是是在想拖曳一个在主窗口中不是很容易观察的页面的时候非常有帮助。 yeeyan




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