

单词 drafters
释义 drafters ˈdræftərz COCA⁴⁵⁴⁴⁷BNC⁶⁶⁹⁶²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
n.起草者;役马等于draughter原型drafter 的复数 Gu participated in research and formulation of China's national housing reform policies for numeral times, and he is one of the major drafters of China's housing reform plan and policies.
多次参与国家房改政策的研究和制订,为国家房改方案和政策的主要起草人之一。 panlv

The drafters of the Constitution saw that the future might bring a need for change, so they provided a method of adding amendments.
宪法起草人预料到将来可能需要对宪法进行修改,于是他们规定了修正宪法的办法。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thursday night's deadline came after a three-day extension the drafters had given themselves on Monday.
三次最后期限来去匆匆,仍然没有达成协议。 hicoo

Although most opponents praise the drafters of Proposition7 for their intentions, industry representatives say they were never consulted on the language.
虽然大多数对手赞扬起草人7命题的意图,行业代表表示,他们从未被征询的语言。 simosolar

Because most of the drafters owned property, protection of private property was a major objective.
因为大多数宪法起草者都拥有大量财产,所以保护私有财产便成为他们的主要目标。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn

Both entry-level architectural drafters and building contractors who need drafting skills find this certificate program to have great practical value.
不管是初级的建筑制图者还是建筑的承包人,他们都需要画建筑草图的技术并认为资质培训有很大的实用价值。 strong-study

But as the drafters of the resolution realised, it was never going to be enough on its own to prevent Colonel Qaddafi from killing his people.
但正如联合国这项决议的起草者们所意识到的一样,单靠禁飞区这项措施绝对无法阻止卡扎菲上校向利比亚人民举起屠刀。 ecocn

Due to the vacancy of special tort liabilities of employers in Chinese civil legislation, it is necessary to be paid attention to this part for the drafters of Civil Code.
针对《民法通则》对雇主特殊侵权责任的缺失,笔者提出宜在《民法典》起草时关注此问题。 cnki

Mr Gong says the drafters have added provisions on the protection of state property.
巩献田说,法案起草者已经加入了保护国有财产的条款。 ecocn

The drafters of the new five-year plan adopted in March were clearly hoping to head off such a calamity.
今年三月被采纳的新五年计划,其起草人显然打算迈过这一窘境。 yeeyan

The drafters of the Constitution saw that the future may bring a need for change.
宪法起草人预料到将来可能需要对宪法进行修改。 blog.sina.com.cn




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