

单词 downshifting
释义 downshifting 英'daʊnʃɪftɪŋ美'daʊnʃɪftɪŋ COCA⁸⁹⁷³⁷
At the same time, they're downshifting to the younger audience that just isn't buying newspapers.
与此同时,他们正放低身段,积极吸引不再购买报纸的年轻受众。 fortunechina

Not changing gears gives you more control over your vehicle and reduces the risk of your wheels locking while downshifting.
挂档行驶能提供更多驾车控制并减少因降低档位导致车轮锁死的可能性。 blog.sina.com.cn

The economy seems to be downshifting.

Abandoning the doctrine of“juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into “ downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.
放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活哲学,转而过一种“放慢生活节奏”的生活所带来的回报,比经济成功和社会地位更有价值。 wenduedu

Asia's emerging- market growth engines appear to be downshifting in the face of rising inflation and interest rate hikes.
在不断上涨的通胀率和利率面前,亚洲新兴市场的经济增长引擎似乎开始减速。 hao360

By contrast, downshifting is relatively easy.
相反,降挡则相对容易一些。 running8

I deserve some time off, and have intentionally been downshifting to a simpler life, one that gives me time for computer games.
我需要一些时间来休息。我主动放慢了生活节奏,使之变得简单,从而给自己留出了时间来享受电脑游戏。 yeeyan

Many are turning to other ways of living, and downshifting is one of them.
人们开始寻找别的生活方式,“慢生活”就是其中一种。 i21st

My experiment in what the Americans term“ downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.
我这个被美国人称为“放慢生活节奏”的试验,却使我老掉牙的借口变成了绝对的现实。 thea

She does, however, caution against downshifting to a rural location until you have thought through the ramificationssee panel.
不过,她告诫人们在考虑好后果之前,不要搬到农村地区。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

There are a number of best-selling downshifting self- help books for people who want to simplify their lives;
对于那些想简单生活的人来说,有许多畅销的自助书籍能帮你轻松生活; hjenglish




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