

单词 do what
释义 do what短语⁵⁸⁰
So, it seems to do what we want.

And some just want to do what they love.
而有些人只是想做自己喜欢做的事。 fortunechina

Our teacher is strict; we have to do what she says.
我们的老师很严格,我们不得不按她说的去做。 kekenet

We do what the community wants.
我们按照社区所希望的做。 ibm

Why do you call me, ' Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?
你们为什么称呼我‘主啊,主啊’却不遵我的话行呢? ebigear

You can do what I can do.
我能做的你也能做。 yeeyan

Do what you can now or you might not be able to do them all.
去做你现在能做的,否则你可能永远也不会开始了。 yeeyan




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