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词汇 dove
释义 dove 英dʌv美dʌvAHDdŭv


a kind of pigeon


a person in favour of peace and compromise

any of numerous small pigeonssomeone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relationsa constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelumflesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove young squab may be broiledan emblem of peacedove,pigeon




源自古英语和原始日耳曼语,很可能与单词dive俯冲、跳水有关,因为鸽子飞行姿势优美,擅长俯冲dive。dove原本和pigeon一样表示所有鸽子,但后来仅表示鸠鸽turtle dove,性格温顺,常用来比喻温和派、主张和解政策的人。rock dove鸟原鸽一种野鸽…mourning dove哀鸠(产于北美…stock dove动欧洲产的一种…turtle dove斑鸠skin-dive赤身潜水dove-eyed眼神柔和的dive潜水dove color浅灰而略带紫红之色…Chinese dove tree珙桐dove-tail condenser燕尾形电容器…ring dove斑鸠dove colour浅灰色dove-tail slot计 燕尾槽as mild as a dove非常温和dove of peace和平鸽
近义词 pigeon鸽子squab刚孵出的Columba动鸽属peacenik参加反战示威的…反义词 hawk鹰
用作名词(n.The white dove is looked upon as the symbol of peace.白鸽被看成是和平的象征。
Both hawks and doves had their say at the meeting.与会的鹰派和鸽派成员都有发表意见的机会。Pdoveletn.幼鸽Pdovecoten.鸽棚鸽房Pturtledoven.斑鸠情人Pdove-eyeda.眼神柔和的Pdove-tail鸠尾鸠尾榫头Pringdoven.斑尾林鸽斑鸠Pdovelikea.纯洁可爱的温柔的Pdovecolourn.略带紫红的浅灰色Pdovetailn.楔形榫头vt.与…吻合用鸠尾榫接合vi.吻合

用作名词Thedoveis the symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。
Thisdovewas resident with us all the year round.这只鸽子一年到头居住在这里和我们为伴。
Paul seemed more impressed by thedove.保尔似乎对鸽子更感兴趣。
Bill was called adovewhen he protested rather than fought in the war.比尔用抗议来代替武力,因此被称为温和派。
On military,he has opposed the invasion of Iraq from start,but he is far fromdove.在军事上,虽然他坚定地反对入侵伊拉克,但他并不是一个鸽派人物。
He is neither adovenor a hawk,but betwixt and between.他既不是鸽派,也不是鹰派,而是中间派。
Shedovestraight into the pool.她径直跳入池中。
The price of corndovenearly 50% on Tuesday.周二玉米价格骤跌近五成。 And the birds of the air came near and mourned for Snow-white; first the owl, then the raven, and at last the dove.
天空着的鸟儿也来到附近悼念白雪;开始是猫头鹰,然后是乌鸦,最后是鸽子。 yeeyan

Israel’s fluid and fickle party structure reflected a blurring of the old hawk- dove demarcation.
以色列变化无常的政党结构使得鹰派和鸽派的界限变得模糊。 ecocn

The greater roadrunner has been shifting eastward into Arkansas from the west, and the white wing dove has been moving into Arkansas from the south-west.
体型较大的走鹃已经从西部向东部迁移,来到了阿肯萨州。白翅哀鸽也从西南部迁入了这里。 ecocn

When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth.
到了晚上,鸽子回到他那里,嘴里叼着一个新拧下来的橄榄叶子,挪亚就知道地上的水退了。 ebigear

“ I did not moult from a hawk into a dove,” says Mr Gates.
“我可没有从鹰派蜕变成鸽派。”盖茨说。 ecocn

And, as Mr Thompson himself points out, his book's title, “The Hawk and the Dove”, is slightly misleading.
而且正如汤普森自己所说,他的书名《鹰派和鸽派》稍微有些容易让人产生误解。 topsage

As you watch the Peace Dove you feel the acceleration of the incoming Peace movement.

But political and religious leaders around the world denounced plans to burn Qurans at the Dove World Outreach Center.
但是,全球政治和宗教领袖谴责在“和平鸽外展事工中心”焚烧《可兰经》计划。 voanews

Ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart: they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria.
以法莲好像鸽子愚蠢无知。他们求告埃及,投奔亚述。 ebigear

He waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark.
他又等了七天,再把鸽子从方舟放出去。 ebigear

Local religious leaders say they are surprised at the international attention being paid to the Dove World Outreach Center, with its congregation of a few dozen.
佛罗里达州当地的宗教领袖说,他们对于“和平鸽外展事工中心”引发的国际关注感到意外。 voanews

Love is the dove of peace, the spirit of brotherhood; it is tenderness and compassion, forgiveness and tolerance.
爱是和平之鸽,是友爱的精神;它是亲切和同情,是宽恕和容纳。 kekenet

My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her.
我的鸽子,我的完全人,只有这一个是她母亲独生的。是生养她者所宝爱的。 ebigear

Or, to be more accurate, she turned the dullness of gray, from dove to anthracite, into a shaded palette.
或者更精确的说,她将呆板没有生气的灰色,就像那些灰鸽子和无烟煤,装换成了灰色缤纷的调色板。 yeeyan

Public portraits of the new leader depict him with white roses and a white dove.
新领导者的公众画像上有白色的玫瑰和白色的鸽子。 ecocn

Rather than release his inner dove, the Nobel Peace Prize may force him to brandish his public hawk.
获得和平奖将迫使他展示自己强硬的鹰派形象,而不是释放内心的和平鸽。 yeeyan

Some of his oldest detractors reckoned he might astonish everyone by switching from populist hawk to pragmatic dove.
他的一些资历最老的批评者认为,他从平民主义的鹰派转变成实用主义的鸽派,着实让每个人大吃一惊。 ecocn

The last was that Mr Obama was careful to avoid giving the impression that this particular Democrat was some sort of cooing dove.
最后,为避免给选民留下印象是这名民主党候选人不过是一只咕咕乱鸣的讨厌的鸽子,奥巴马处处小心谨慎。 ecocn

The man missed the shot, and the dove's life was saved.
猎人没有打中,鸽子的生命得到了挽救。 ebigear

The myrtle, dove, sparrow, and swan are sacred to her.
桃金娘,鸽子,麻雀和天鹅是她的圣物。 kekenet

They shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria: and I will place them in their houses, saith the LORD.
他们必如雀鸟从埃及急速而来,又如鸽子从亚述地来到,我必使他们住自己的房屋。 这是耶和华说的。 ebigear

This sort of love is a recollection of lily petals and the plumage of the dove.
这种爱情是一种百合花瓣和白鸽羽毛的收藏。 ebigear

Traditional Easter meals of lamb were organized in the camps and Italian dove- shaped Easter cake was also handed out.
人们在帐篷区安排了传统的复活节羊肉餐,还分发了鸽子形状的意大利复活节蛋糕。 kekenet

You are seeing the Peace Dove gradually flying lower and lower to the turmoil until the turmoil exists no more.




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