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词汇 doubtful
释义 doubt·ful 英ˈdaʊtfəl美ˈdaʊtfəlAHDdoutʹfəl ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT4八COCA¹³⁴⁴¹BNC⁵⁴⁷⁷iWeb¹¹⁶⁴⁷Economist¹⁰⁰³³


uncertain; not settled


not trusting; questionable

open to doubt or suspicion;

the candidate's doubtful past

he has a dubious record indeed

what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false

it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought

fraught with uncertainty or doubt;

they were doubtful that the cord would hold

it was doubtful whether she would be admitted

dubious about agreeing to go

unsettled in mind or opinion;

drew a few tentative conclusions







词根词缀: doubt怀疑 + -ful形容词词尾,充满existence doubtful疑存doubtful hit可疑刺或劈doubtful prognosis预后可疑,预后难定…doubtful operation原因不茂作,原因不明…doubtful circuit可疑电路doubtful loan可疑放款doubtful breach可疑犯规动作…be doubtful about对 … 感到疑惑…doubtful species可疑种doubtful debts provision预提坏账准备…doubtful assets可疑资产position doubtful疑位doubtful debts可疑债务doubtful accounts经 呆帐, 可疑…doubtful debt呆帐play a doubtful card采用不可靠的办法…
非常记忆doubt怀疑〖熟词〗+ful俘虏〖拼音〗⇒被怀疑后俘虏的行动难以预测doubt怀疑,疑惑+ful形容词后缀,有很多…的⇒可疑的,疑心的。蒋争熟词记忆doubt怀疑-ful…的⇒怀疑的;疑惑的词根记忆doubt+ful来自doubtv. 怀疑近义词 dubiousunclear反义词 trustytrustful
~+ n.This is a doubtful battle.这是一场胜负难测的战争。
Let's try to clear up our difficult and doubtful points.让我们设法把难处和疑点解决一下。
S+be+~The weather looks very doubtful.这天气很靠不住。
Everyone was doubtful at first, but his statement in detail held up.起初大家都怀疑,但他的详细叙述证明情况属实。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseI feel very doubtful about this.我对这点很怀疑。
I feel doubtful about his ability to do the work.我怀疑他有无做这件事的能力。
He was doubtful of the patient's recovery.他怀疑病人是否痊愈。
I am very doubtful of that.我很疑心那件事。S+be+~+wh-to- vI'm doubtful where to go.该往哪里去我心中无底。S+be+~+wh-clauseI feel doubtful what I ought to do.我不知该做什么。
She is doubtful whether her mother really likes the present.她怀疑她母亲是否真喜欢那个礼物。It is/was+~+that/wh-/if-clauseIt is doubtful if our resources will hand out for more than two or three days more.我们的资源能否再维持两三天以上,值得怀疑。
It is doubtful whether it is true or not.这事的真假是可疑的。
It is not doubtful that he will give up smoking.他会戒烟是不用怀疑的。

doubtful从主观角度说,指某人“怀疑”某人某事,后面常接介词of或about,意为对…怀疑; 从客观角度说,指某人某事“令人怀疑”,意为“可疑的,使人产生疑问的”。

doubtful作“怀疑的,不能肯定的”解时,可接由where, what, whether等引导的短语或从句。

在“It is doubtful”之后常接whether或if引导的从句,用于疑问或否定结构时, doubtful可搭用it的同位结构的that从句。

用作形容词It isdoubtfulwhether it is true or not.这件事的真假是可疑的。
The fact that he won the first place isdoubtful.他得了第一名是让人可疑的。
He is an author ofdoubtfulreputation.他是一位名声不太好的作家。
The ethics of his decision aredoubtful.他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑。
I amdoubtfulabout the propriety of granting such a request.我怀疑答应这项要求是否合适。
It isdoubtfulwhether the old man will recover from the operation.那老人手术后是否会康复难以确定。adj.questionable, unclear
同义词 debatable,dicey,dubious,hazy,indecisive,insecure,precarious,problematic,suspicious,uncertain,undecided,uneasy,unsettled,unstable,unsureambiguous,borderline,chancy,clouded,contingent,disreputable,doubtable,dubitable,equivocal,far-fetched,fat chance,fishy,hazardous,iffy,impugnable,inconclusive,indefinite,indeterminate,indistinct,long shot,obscure,on thin ice,open,pending,shady,sneaky,speculative,suspect,touch-and-go,touchy,unconfirmed,up for grabs
反义词 certain,clear,decided,definite,determined,indubious,safe,secure,settled,stable,strong,sure,trustworthy,trusty,undoubtedbelieving,confirmed,convinced,exact,resolved,trusting,unquestionableadj.not believing
同义词 dubious,hesitant,indecisive,puzzled,skeptical,suspicious,tentative,uncertain,unconvinced,undecided,unsettled,unsureagnostic,baffled,confused,discomposed,disconcerted,distracted,distrustful,disturbed,doubting,equivocal,faithless,faltering,flustered,hesitating,in a quandary,in clouds,in dilemma,irresolute,like doubting Thomas,lost,not following,of two minds,perplexed,questioning,theoretical,troubled,unresolved,vacillating,wavering,without belief
反义词 certain,clear,decided,decisive,definite,determined,secure,settled,sure,trustworthy,trusty,undoubtedbelieving,confident,confirmed,convinced,exact,resolved,trusting,unquestionable
ambiguousadjective having more than one meaning
clear as dishwater,cryptic,dubious,enigmatic,enigmatical,equivocal,inconclusive,indefinite,indeterminate,inexplicit,muddy,multivocal,obscure,opaque,polysemous,puzzling,questionable,tenebrous,uncertain,unclear,unintelligible,vague
ambivalentadjective conflicting
apocryphaladjective questionable;fake
apprehensiveadjective anxious, fearful
afraid,alarmed,biting nails,butterflies,concerned,disquieted,doubtful,feel in bones,foreboding,frozen,get vibes,have a hunch,have cold feet,have funny feeling,have stage fright,hung up,in a cold sweat,in a dither,in a sweat,jittery,jumpy,lily-livered,mistrustful,running scared,shaky,stiff,suspicious,troubled,uncertain,uneasy,uptight,weak,worried,worried sick
arguableadjective debatable
contentious,controversial,disputable,doubtful,dubious,moot,open to question,questionable,sub judice,uncertain,unsure
borderlineadjective inexact
ambiguous,ambivalent,doubtful,dubitable,equivocal,indecisive,indefinite,indeterminate,marginal,open,problematic,uncertain,unclassifiable,unclear,undecided,unsettled And it is doubtful whether Mr Soros, a left-wing Democrat who has little sympathy with Israel, would be the best patron for such an organisation.
有人怀疑,索罗斯作为对以色列鲜有怜悯之心的左翼民主党人,是否是担任这个组织牵头人的最佳人选? ecocn

Finally, in the ward, the nurses seem doubtful whether they can find Phil a bed, but after a while she is safely tucked up.
最后在病房里,护士很怀疑能否为菲尔找到一张床,但过了一会,也就被安全放在床上。 yeeyan

Perhaps, but it is doubtful he would have succeeded. “ Even at the height of the crisis, that proved almost too hard to do, ” he notes.
但是很怀疑这样做他会成功,“即便是在危机的最顶峰,证明这笔钱值得花也是非常困难的”保尔森提到。 ecocn

The fish is also safe, although consumers are doubtful.
尽管消费者有怀疑,但是鱼也是安全的。 ecocn

“ Timewise, it is doubtful the picture will recover, ” one crewmember wrote at the time.
“就时间而言,很怀疑影片拍摄能恢复。”剧组一成员当时写道。 yeeyan

And that was only about a bunch of musket- toting rubes of doubtful loyalty. This is about national survival.
那仅仅涉及到一群忠心可疑的乡巴佬火枪手,而这攸关国家存亡。 yeeyan

Both the supporters of the elected candidate and the supporters of other respectable candidates should refrain from making any provocative and doubtful behavior.
不论是当选者的支持者还是落选者的支持者都应该克制任何具有煽动性的和怀疑性的行为。 yeeyan

But for precisely that reason, I am doubtful that this plan by itself would work.
因为某些明确的原因,我怀疑这个计划本身是否将会起作用。 yeeyan

But even if cash does become more plentiful, it is doubtful whether today’s generation of managers will be quite so cavalier about taking it for granted.
但是即使现在的管理者们拥有大量的现金,令人怀疑的是,他们是否会以傲慢的态度认为这是理所当然? ecocn

Even with doubtful accuracy, such anti- ship ballistic missiles could keep the US Navy far out at sea.
尽管消息的准确性值得怀疑,这种反舰弹道导弹足以让美国海军远离中国海岸。 yeeyan

However, it is doubtful whether the sudden change of policy will be enough to salvage the PA’s tarnished image.
然而,很令人怀疑,政策的突然转向是否足以抢救巴勒斯坦自治政府的污点形象。 ecocn

In both America and Australia the public seems to be growing more doubtful even as policymakers feel more certain of the need for action.
在美国和澳大利亚,即使政策制定者们更加确信有必要行动,民众的怀疑似乎加深了。 ecocn

It is little surprise that shareholders are doubtful, particularly because they are being diluted out of nearly half the company.
股东们心存怀疑,这在意料之中,特别是因为他们的股份被稀释后几乎失去了半个公司。 ebigear

It's doubtful it can cover the losses it agreed to take under the new deal without going belly up.
这样令我们怀疑,它能够负担得起它所同意的新政策的损失而不需要倒闭。 yeeyan

Ms Otunbayeva insists the vote will go ahead, though with so many people displaced, and security still doubtful, that may be unwise.
奥通巴耶娃女士坚持说,投票将继续进行,尽管有这么多的人流离失所,安全仍值得怀疑,这可能是不明智的。 ecocn

Nay, the longer they were together the more doubtful seemed the nature of his regard; and sometimes, for a few painful minutes, she believed it to be no more than friendship.
不,他们在一起呆的时间越长,他的情意似乎越令人感到可疑。有时,出现那么痛苦的几分钟,她觉得这只不过是友情而已。 kekenet

One possibilityof doubtful legality under the Maastricht treaty was for the EFSF to borrow from the ECB, but opposition from the central bank seems to have killed it off.
一种方式马斯特里赫特条约下合法性可疑让欧洲金融稳定基金从欧洲央行借钱,但央行的反对使这一建议搁浅了。 ecocn

This is also doubtful, but Buddhism’s first steps at least made it possible.
这也很可疑,但佛教的历史使得它看上去也至少不是不可能的。 yeeyan

This is doubtful.
这很可疑。 yeeyan

Under these uncomfortable conditions, it is doubtful that doctors can get accurate measurements.
在这种不舒适的条件下,医生能否得到准确的测量结果是可疑的。 iciba

Without the Domain Name System, it's doubtful the internet could have grown and flourished as it has.
要是没有域名系统,互联网能像现在一样成长并且兴旺发达是可疑的。 yeeyan




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