

单词 doubly
释义 dou·bly 英ˈdʌbliː美ˈdʌbliAHDdŭbʹlē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁰⁶⁵¹BNC¹³⁰⁰⁷iWeb¹⁷⁴⁸⁷Economist¹⁶²⁹¹

to double the degree;

she was doubly rewarded

his eyes were double bright

in a twofold manner;

he was doubly wrong

doubly plunging fold双倾伏褶曲doubly terminated双端接载的doubly stochastic双随机的doubly corticated具二列式皮层的…doubly degenerate二度简并doubly integrating accelerometer二重积分式加速度表…doubly linked list双重链表doubly toothed具重牙齿的doubly perspective二重透视doubly resonant双共振的doubly-rooted graph计 双根图make assurance doubly sure加倍小心,特别慎重…
doub-ly像⇒adv.加倍地⁴⁶;双重地²⁷;二倍地²⁷adv.一次两个地;更加;越发;倍加;在两方面;由于双重原因;双倍地;两方面地;由双重原因造成近义词 twice两倍extra额外的double双重的especially特别even more更多地all the more更加particularly特别

用作副词The night shift has to bedoublyvigilant.值夜班要加倍警惕。
My sense of isolation becamedoublyacute.我的孤立感更加强烈了。
He isdoublytroubled, by illness and poverty.他受着疾病和贫穷的双重困扰。
She isdoublygifted: as a writer and as an artist.她又是作家又是艺术家,有双重天赋。
All fibers are more or lessdoublyrefractive.所有纤维都具有程度不同的双折射。adv.twofold
同义词 double,twiceincreased,redoubled
twiceadverb two times
double,over again,twofold Romantically, you may see some pretty amazing developments near the full moon, May9and doubly so if your birthday falls within five days of this date.
浪漫的事情来了,在满月附近,5月9日如果你的生日在这5天之内的话,力量加倍,你会收到一些美丽的惊喜。 hjenglish

The component referenced in the Lead Manager application is actually a doubly constrained list implemented using a frameset, the details of which are outside the scope of this article.
销售趋势跟踪应用程序中引用的组件实际上是使用框架集实现的双重约束列表,其具体内容超出了本文的范围。 ibm




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