

单词 double-dealing
释义 dou·ble-deal·ing 英ˈdʌbəlˈdiːlɪŋ美ˈdʌbəlˈdilɪŋAHDdŭbʹəl-dēʹlĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹¹³¹³²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁵⁹²⁶⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
acting in bad faith; deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another
marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another;

she was a deceitful scheming little thing

a double-dealing double agent

a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer

蒋争熟词记忆double双;两面deal对待-ing名词兼形容词后缀⇒搞两面派的double双;两面deal对待-ing名词兼形容词后缀⇒搞两面派的近义词 false假的deceit欺骗slippery滑的betrayal背叛duplicity欺骗crooked弯曲的treachery叛变deception骗局deceitful欺诈的two-faced两面的dishonesty不诚实cheating欺骗行为dishonest不诚实的double-faced假装的double-tongued舌裂的duplicitous搞两面派的treacherous背信弃义的double-crossing双杂交janus-faced有双面孔的ambidextrous双手都灵巧的…treason叛逆 通敌 背叛 叛国罪…

用作名词You are therefore advised to be careful in dealing with other Users to avoid fraud.因此,阁下在与其他用户进行交易时务须小心防范欺骗行为。
In short, keeping track of campaign metrics is the key to detecting and dealing with click-fraud!总而言之,发现和解决欺骗性点击的关键是关注并追踪活动的每一个过程。 There is no escaping this disturbing thought except by a kind of double-dealing.
除了口是心非之外,没有其他办法逃避这个令人不安的想法。 kekenet

And so the game of deceit and double-dealing continued.
因此这个欺骗和两面派的游戏继续进行了下去。 yeeyan

For the former boss of such a firm to be found double-dealing would deal a more profound reputational blow than the usual insider- trading scandal.
对于这样一家公司的前总裁被揭发行骗,将使其遭受比普通业内交易丑闻更为深远的信誉打击。 ecocn

How do counter-revolutionaries employ their double-dealing tactics?
反革命分子怎样耍两面派手法呢? tdict

They suggest that some US intelligence sources have been double-dealing them.
这些故事表明,一些为美国提供情报的人士在耍两面派。 qnzx.faw.com.cn

We are sincere, heartfelt and genuine . We are not double-dealing politicians.
我们真实,真诚,真心,不是虚伪的政客。 renren




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