

单词 airport
释义 air·port 英ˈeəˌpɔːt, -ˌpəʊrt美ˈɛrˌpɔrt, -ˌportAHDârʹpôrt', -pōrt' ★★★★☆中高I牛4研COCA²¹¹⁴BNC²⁸¹⁶iWeb¹⁵⁶⁰Economist¹⁸⁰¹


place where aeroplanes can land to pick up or put down people and goods

an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo

❌ Our plane arrived at the Gatewick Airport.

✔️ Our plane arrived at Gatewick Airport.



❌ He met his uncle on the airport yesterday.

✔️ He met his uncle at the airport yesterday.

“在机场上”,要说at the airport,不可说on the airport。

词根词缀: air天空 + -port-港口
用作名词 n.
动词+~build the airport修建机场reach the airport到达机场take an airport攻占机场arrive at the airport到达机场start for the airport动身去机场touch down at the airport降落在机场形容词+~all-weather airport全天候航空站alternate airport备用航空站auxiliary airport辅助机场civil airport民用航空站international airport国际机场military airport军用机场new airport新机场old airport老机场名词+~emergency airport应急机场Kennedy airport肯尼迪机场~+名词airport bus开往机场的班车airport facilities机场设施airport food机场食物airport police机场警察airport runway机场跑道airport security机场安全airport terminal机场候机大楼介词+~at the airport在机场on the way to the airport在去机场的路上
非常记忆air空气+port港口⇒透过空气看到了一个港口原来那是机场air-空/充气-port⇒n.机场⁹⁸;航空站²n.飞机场⁹⁸;通气口;航空港故事记忆个子 Short短小喜欢 Sport运动跑到 Airport太空蒋争熟词记忆air空中→航空port港→“航空港”⇒机场;航空站钱博士air空中+port港口→空中的港口,空港⇒机场小学英语速记合成词:air空气+port港口→空港→机场组合词air空中+port港口→航空港近义词 air空气field田地strip剥去station站runway跑道drome 飞机场landing着陆hangar飞机库airfield飞机场airdrome飞机场aerodrome飞机场air station飞机场landing strip飞机的起落跑道…landing field飞机着陆场…airstrip飞机紧急降落用的临时…
用作名词n.It will take an hour to reach the airport, allowing for traffic delay.把路上交通的耽搁估计在内,要一个小时才能到达机场。
After a warm discussion it was decided to start building the new airport right away.经过热烈讨论,决定马上开始修建这个新机场。
A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.我们正要前往机场时来了一位客人。
I suggest that we leave early for the airport.我提议早点去机场。
Then we boarded the bus and headed for the airport.然后,我们上了公共汽车,直奔飞机场。
I accompanied a foreign visitor to the airport.我陪外宾去机场。
I was accompanied to the airport by my wife.妻子陪我去机场。
I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport.我指望着你帮忙用车把我们送往机场。
They diverted the plane to another airport because of the weather.由于天气原因,他们把飞机导航到另一机场。
The farmers are disputing with the government about where the airport should be built.农民和政府正在就机场建设地点问题争执著。
There are two airports in the city.这个城市有两个机场。
The principal airports of Iraq are seriously blocked.伊拉克的主要空港受到了严重的封锁。
At the airport he read an address of welcome on behalf of the association.在机场上他代表该协会致了欢迎词。
It was arranged that we have to have supper at the airport.根据安排,我们将在机场吃晚饭。
I've arranged that one of our representatives should meet you at the airport.我已做好安排,我们的一位代表将去机场接你。
Thousands of people were at the airport to see them off.数以千计的人在机场为他们送行。
They had to submit to a thorough body search at theairport.在机场,他们不得不接受搜身检查。


用作名词The plane circled theairportbefore landing.飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。
There was a great outcry about the construction of the newairport.公众强烈反对修建该机场。
You must arrive at theairporttwo hours early.你必须提前两小时到达机场。noun.center for transportation by air
同义词 airfield,airstrip,installation,runwayairdrome,hangar,heliport,stripaerodome,helipad,home plate,landing strip
landing stripnoun runway for aircraft
aerodrome,air base,airfield,airstrip,flight strip,landing field,runway,strip,takeoff strip,taxiway As the name suggests, it draws a line between the two airport markers if they both exist.
顾名思义,它在两个机场标记之间画一条线如果它们都存在的话。 ibm

All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver.

At the airport, we waited for several hours.
到了机场以后,我们等了好几个小时。 yeeyan

Because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an airport in another city.

But, as a teenager, I had“ better” things to do than hang out at the airport.
但是,作为一名十几岁的少年,我还有比在机场闲逛更“好”的事情要做。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But, he says access to the town from the airport is limited because of debris and other obstacles on the roads.
但是他表示,因为道路被废墟和其它障碍阻拦,从机场到城市的交通受到限制。 voanews

But not before we got to hug our parents, when they met us, along with State Department representatives, on the jetway at Boston’s Logan airport.
但那是在我们拥抱了父母之后,他们和国务部代表一起,在波士顿洛根机场的登机道上见到了我们。 yeeyan

Can you find some information about the Airport Railway?
你能找出一些关于机场铁路的信息吗? hjenglish

City or airport?
城市还是机场? ibm

He screamed at the young man and at us. He would not tolerate beggars outside the airport.
经理对着众人和年轻人大喊大叫,他不能容忍机场外面有乞丐。 yeeyan

He drove me to the airport.

My first impression of him is the picture circulating online of he, his wife and their children in the airport.
我对他的第一印象是网上流传的那张他和妻子,孩子们在机场的照片。 yeeyan

She said that she planned to return to Iran soon despite the danger of being arrested at the airport.
她还透露自己计划在近期返回伊朗,即使面临着有可能在机场即遭逮捕的危险。 yeeyan

The plane was searched while parked on a ramp at the end of a runway at the Stockholm airport.
这架飞机停在斯德哥尔摩机场一个跑道末端的斜坡上,工作人员对其进行了搜查。 voanews

The research showed that the airport you depart from also influences the cost.
这项研究显示你从哪个机场出发也会影响你的花费。 yeeyan




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