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Dot Immunogold 基本例句 斑点金 Dot immunogold filtration assay was used to detect H pylori-CagA-IgG antibody.用斑点金免疫渗滤法检测患者血清抗H Pylori一cagA一IgG抗体。 Detection of tobacco ring spot virus withdot immunogoldand immunogold/silver staining.斑点免疫金和免疫金/银染色法检测烟草环斑病毒 Serum antibody of schistosomiasis patients was detected bydot immunogoldfiltration methodin laboratory and field,and F-ELISA was used as control.应用建立的胶体金免疫渗滤法检测日本血吸虫病血清抗体,并以快速酶联免疫吸附试验方法检测作平行对照。 Methods Using Angiostrongylus adult worm antigens and colloidal gold labelled SPA developing agent, adot immunogoldfiltration assay was used to detect serum antibodies to cantonensis.方法以广州管圆线虫成虫抗原为包被抗原,金标记SPA为显色剂,建立检测广州管圆线虫抗体的滴金免疫渗滤法; two-stepdot immunogoldfiltration assay二步金标免疫渗滤法 |