

单词 dori
释义 dori 英dɔː'rɪ美dɔː'rɪ COCA⁵⁸³¹⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
Just two of the novelists on the list are women: Jean Auel, the75-year-old author of the prehistoric Earth's Children series, and Dori Ostermiller.
名单中只有两位女性作家,分别是《大地的孩子们》系列 Earth's Children的作者,75岁的琼.奥尔,以及多利.奥斯特米勒。 yeeyan

Dori studied balneology in Europe and now applies her knowledge at a spa in California.
多莉在欧洲学习了水疗法,现在她在加州一家水疗馆执业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hendri Dori Satoko, a lawmaker in the Mentawai Islands, told MetroTV: “Our latest data from crisis centre showed that108 people have been killed and502 are still missing.”
明打威群岛的立法者Hendri Dori Satoko告诉大家:“从受灾中心的最新数据显示已经有108人死亡,502人失踪。” yeeyan

Because they heard Dori fart.
因为他们听见汤姆放屁。 cn.class.uschoolnet.com

The oldest, Addy,8, was conceived naturally; Dori,5, was conceived via a sperm donor.
最大的艾迪8岁,是自然怀孕的;5岁的多丽是通过捐献的精子怀孕的。 yeeyan




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