

单词 doppelganger
释义 dop·pel·gang·er 英'dɒpelɡɑːnɡər美'dɒpelɡɑːnɡər 高COCA⁶¹⁵⁸⁰BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb³²¹⁹³

a ghostly double of a living person that haunts its living counterpart其实就是double goer。日耳曼文化里同样认为灵魂会出窍,某天要是遇见和自己一样样的人或幽灵,不是好兆头。比较:gangway 'gæŋweɪ n.舷梯;跳板,这是岸和船甲板之间的路,而 gang gæŋ n. 群,v.使成群,那是要to go together。noun.ghost
同义词 apparition,double,spirit
反义词 being
counterpartsnoun match;identical part or thing
analogues,carbon copies,complements,copies,correlates,correlatives,correspondents,dead ringers,dittoes,doppelgangers,duplicates,equals,equivalents,fellows,likes,look alikes,mates,obverses,opposite numbers,opposites,peas in a pods,pendants,ringers,spit and images,spitting images,supplements,tallies,twins,two of a kinds Apple’s annoying“ I’m a Mac” ads are strikingly personal: they pitch a frumpy Bill Gates lookalike against a too-cool-for-school Jobs doppelganger with added hair.
苹果烦人的广告“ I’m a Mac”便凸显了其个性:选择同比尔·盖茨非常相像的坏人与乔布斯的自命不凡的化身头发比真人多相对抗。 yeeyan

Is she cracking up, or could Lily be a true-life doppelganger out to curse her?
她精神崩溃了吗?又或者莉莉是一个幽灵,来到现世诅咒了她? www.china.org.cn

But by setting up similar doppelganger domains, the researchers were able to receive messages that would otherwise be bounced back.
然而通过创建看上去差不多能够以假乱真的网域,研究者可以接收发错的邮件,这些邮件就不会被退回。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Fixed black screen deadlock when skipping doppelganger cinematic.
修正跳过过场动画时导致的黑屏问题。 pcneter

In doing so, he created an APC doppelganger that could repeatedly activate the weak T cells, causing them to proliferate and kill the real APCs.
这样他制造了一个抗原呈递细胞的副本,这个颗粒可以反复的激活抑制性 T细胞,使他们增殖并杀死真正的抗原呈递细胞。 yeeyan

Kokoro will also model the buyer's voice, facial expressions, and upper-body movements to create the most lifelike doppelganger possible.
可可洛公司甚至可以让机器人再现顾客的声音和面部表情,并让机器人的上半身自由活动,以创造最逼真的“克隆”效果。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Luke faced his mindless doppelganger, but it was Mara Jade who eventually killed Luuke Skywalker.
卢克与自己的无意识克隆体决斗,但最后是玛拉·杰德干掉了卢乌克·天行者。 starwarschina

This is that each of the particles in the Standard Model has a heavier doppelganger known as its “ super partner”.
文章讲道,标准模式理论粒子的每一个成分都有一个质量较大的相似体,我们称之为“超级搭档”。 ecocn

You know, besides getting murdered by the evil vampire doppelganger of your best friend.
你知道,除了被和你最好的朋友长的一样的邪恶的吸血鬼杀害。 yeeyan

Doppelganger works as a liberator of feeling and intuition in White's novels, opening horizons beyond social patterns, rational decisions, and institutionally approved emotions.
怀特式的“二重身”给情感和直觉松绑,让读者看到了社会常规、理性抉择之外的天地。 xbzs.ecnu.edu.cn




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