

单词 doodles
释义 doo·dle·s 英'duːdl美'duːdl COCA⁵³⁴²⁹BNC⁶¹⁸²⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
an aimless drawing
make a doodle; draw aimlesslyYankee Doodle扬基歌(独立战争时士…Yankee-Doodle扬基歌
近义词 draw拖sketch速写drawing图画picture照片scrabble爬寻squiggle潦草的字scribble潦草地书写

用作动词Brad wasdoodlingon a sheet of paper.布拉德在一张纸上乱写。
Stopdoodlingon my notebook!别在我的笔记本上乱画! Busy, highly-detailed doodles are often drawn by people with an obsessive nature, who simply will not let go of their ambitions or loved ones.
那些复杂且详细的图案通常是那些有强迫症特质的人画出来的,他们总是很单纯的想释放或者去爱别人。 cri

Coming up with doodles is a yearlong process.
构想 Google涂鸦是一个需要耗费很长时间的过程。 yeeyan

The creator of Google's doodles has said he is trying to bring a new look to the designs to ensure the quirky graphics maintain their appeal after ten years.
谷歌徽标的首席设计师表示,他正在探寻一种全新的设计表现方法,力求让怪诞有趣的徽标在十年后还能如此吸引眼球。 yeeyan

But when our doodles are really well received, it makes it all worth it.
但是,当我们的作品确确实实很受欢迎的时候,我们觉得这一切都值了。 yeeyan

Confucius's birthday has been marked by the search engine Google with another of its home page' doodles'.
纪念孔子诞辰的 DOODLE登上了搜索引擎谷歌的首页。 yeeyan

Even if you can’t draw, this look is fairly easy to pull off as the doodles are generally super basic.
即使你本人不善长绘画,这种创意也是相当容易实现的,是因为这些涂鸦通常都是些非常基本的设计。 yeeyan

Google regularly uses its doodles to mark significant events, anniversaries and notable dates.
谷歌定期更新其涂鸦来纪念重要事件、周年庆典或者值得关注的日子。 yeeyan

I can remember doing some really, really spectacular doodles.
我记得曾经画出真的很棒的涂鸦。 neworiental

I merely set up a canvas reminiscent of a grade-school notebook, ready for doodles.
我只是设置一个画布,像是小时候用的笔记簿纸张,用于涂鸦。 ibm

Is it the napkin doodles, white board scribbles, UML diagrams, sequence diagrams, and other similar artifacts?
是餐巾纸上的涂鸦、白板上的草图、 UML图、时序图还是其他类似的工件? ibm

It springs from the idea of a notebook full of doodles, like that of your typical teenager during English class.
这灵感来源于在笔记本上的涂鸦乱画,就像你十几岁时在英文课上所作的那样。 yeeyan

Just last week we crowned this epic interactive cartoon for Polish writer Stanislaw Lem's birthday the king of all Google Doodles.
上周,我们刚把纪念波兰作家 Stanislaw Lem诞辰的史诗般的互动卡通涂鸦评价为 Google涂鸦的最好的佳作。 yeeyan

Many of our doodles start out as free- form and we get ideas from all over.
我们的许多徽标设计一开始都不拘形式,于是得到了来自各地的想法。 yeeyan

On the whiteboard near his desk are the colourful doodles of one of his three sons—testimony to a recent spot of baby-sitting.
在他办公桌旁的白板上是一些来自他三个儿子之一的色彩斑斓的涂鸦——一个近期带小孩的明证。 ecocn

Other Google doodles have featured Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius and Michael Jackson, upon his death.
其他谷歌涂鸦还曾包括爱因斯坦、达芬奇、孔子,以及迈克尔·杰克逊去世时推出的杰克逊画像。 yeeyan

These doodles have now become regular occurrence on the search engines’ page, celebrating events all over the world.
这些涂鸦现在已经成为谷歌网页经常出现的东西,用以庆祝世界各地的节日或事件。 yeeyan

This is obviously a burial ground for old Google doodles.
这显然是一个旧的谷歌涂鸦的墓地。 yeeyan




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