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词汇 Donghan
释义 Donghan
C…“Zhang Ruo Cheng” was constructed to Wuling town inDonghan.东汉时“张若城”筑为武陵郡城,有一次重大的修建。
Zhang Zhongfu,Qiu pengxiang,ZhangDonghanand Bian Liang.The double graph and complement double graph of graph.Accepted.刘永平.;一些特殊图类的笛卡尔积和倍图的邻点可区别的全染色;
Stationing soldiers at Xuxia and making them raise their own food was an important step, which was taken by Caocao, to unify the north at the last years ofDonghandynasty.摘要许下屯田是东汉末年曹操在统一北方过程中采取的一项重要措施。
The mercury theory occupied the main position in the Chinese alchemy after Wei Boyang's works of “Zhou Yi Can Tong Qi”in DongHan Dynasty, therefore the mercury was also called as “the lord of the hardware” and “the most effective medicine”.外丹铅汞论自东汉魏伯阳撰《参同契》后,便在中国炼丹术理论中居主导地位,“铅”、“汞”亦因此被炼丹家称之为“五金之主”和“灵而最神”的药物。
“Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow” is an archaeological find inDonghanDynastry, which is designated as the Chinese travelling graph sign by the National Travel Agency.“马踏飞燕”是件属于东汉时期的出土文物,现被国家旅游局定为中国旅游图形标志。
From the end ofDonghanto Wei Xijin Dynasty, Iterators' love poems writing usually has the character of imitating,which relates temporal literature writing circumstance very much.自东汉末至魏、西晋,文人的婚恋诗创作多具有模拟的品格,这与当时的文学创作环境有莫大的关系。




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