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Donadoni 基本例句 多纳多尼 It all comes down to the last day of Group C and Roberto Donadoni's side need a win against Les Bleus and hope that Holland do them a massive favour by stopping Romania from gaining all three points. 意大利能否出线取决于 C组最后一轮的比赛情况,多纳多尼的球队需要一场胜利,同时也要寄希望于荷兰人不能让罗马尼亚人全取三分。 juvezone It seems as if the only person who has doubts is Donadoni after Albertini jumped on the Del Piero band wagon. 在阿尔贝蒂尼发表这些看法之后,恐怕只有多纳多尼对皮耶罗还持怀疑态度。 juvezone Del Piero is expected to be named in Roberto Donadoni's squad for the Euro2008 qualifiers against France and Ukraine next week. 皮耶罗正期待着成为多纳多尼的2008欧锦赛预选赛与法国和乌克兰的比赛的名单当中。 juveftp.88.vtdns.com However, Panucci will be ready in case that Donadoni chooses him to play on Wednesday against Ukraine. 然而,帕努奇也要做好准备,没准在周三对乌克兰的比赛中,多纳多尼会派他上场。 romaglory.com I behaved like a pro in the National team when Donadoni was in charge. 多纳多尼执教时,我在场上表现的像个称职的国家队队员。 bbs.espnstar.com.cn I don't like the bench, but it's ok also because Roberto Donadoni is an extraordinary person. 我不喜欢坐板凳,但是因为多纳多尼是个很特别的人,坐板凳也没问题。 romaglory.com Italy coach Roberto Donadoni doesn't believe Fabio Quagliarella needs to leave Sampdoria to fulfill his potential. 意大利教头罗伯特。多纳多尼不相信夸里亚雷拉需要离开桑普去发挥他的潜能。 sampdoria Italy coach Roberto Donadoni won't shut the door on an Azzurri return for Roma captain Francesco Totti. 意大利国家队主教练多纳多尼的意大利之门并未向罗马队长托蒂关闭。 romaglory.com The former Parma ace is still searching for his first goal of the season, but Donadoni has told the world champion not to focus on his goal drought. 这位前帕尔马巨星仍在寻找本赛季的进球感觉,但是多纳多尼却告诉这位世界冠军不要太集中注意于他的进球荒。 mcfc2006 The Rossoneri's midfielder will almost certainly be rested by the national team coach Roberto Donadoni. 加图索肌肉出现了问题,主教练多纳多尼将会安排加图索休息。 milanchina We will also add Rijkaard and Donadoni, but we have always stuck by Ancelotti through the good and the bad. 我们也会加入里杰卡尔德和多纳多尼。不过我们会一直支持安切洛蒂,不论遇到什么困难。 mcfc2006 With Donadoni I've also done well. 在多纳多尼的队伍中我做得还不错。 juvezone Donadoni blundered again by taking him off, thus completely unbalancing the side. 多纳多尼再次犯错,在下半场比赛中将他换下,意大利也完全失去了平衡。 blog.sina.com.cn Donadoni has a lot of merit so he deserves to stay. 多纳多尼展现出了他的才华,他应该留下来。 milanchina Donadoni said wonderful things about me, whereas I never heard from Dunga. 多纳多尼对我很欣赏,而邓加从未说过这些话。 juvefans |