

单词 AAD
释义 AADCOCA¹²⁰⁵⁵⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
abbr.对空防御 =Army Air Defense
It is pointed out that nurses should pay enough attention to the occurrence of AAD during application of antibiotics.
指出在使用抗生素的过程中,护士应密切关注 AAD的发生。 cnki

Polyvinyl acetate emulsion was modified with special emulsifier aad copolymerization process to achieve an anti- freezing, waterproof and creep- resistant PVAC emulsion adhesive.
本文介绍了采用特种乳化剂和共聚合的方法对聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液进行改性,研制出了抗冻、耐水、抗蠕变乳胶。 cnki

The features and therapy of antibiotic associated diarrhea AAD are reviewed and its prevention and nursing are described from nursing viewpoint.
综述了抗生素相关性腹泻 AAD的特点和治疗,并从护理的角度阐述了 AAD的预防和护理。 dictall

The nonequilibrium statistical operatorNSO of the system is constructed and a series of macroscopic equations for its particle number, momentum, energy, force aad entropy etc. are derived.
构成了此体系的非平衡统计算符,进而导出其粒子数、动量、能量、力和熵等一系列宏观方程。 cnki

The present paper reported a new method of structural classification of viruses. All animal viruses were classified by the parameters of the capsid aad morpho- structure of nucleic acid.
本文报告了病毒的结构分类的一种新方法,即依据衣壳参数和核酸的形态结构特征进行分类。 cnki

As the human society developing with new characteristic of information and knowledge, information aad knowledge have become the most important social resource.

Because of skin cancer risk from ultravioletUV radiation, AAD does not recommend unprotected exposure to radiation from the sun or from indoor tanning devices.
考虑到紫外线导致皮肤癌的危险,美国皮肤科医学会并不推荐暴露于阳光辐射或使用室内晒黑装置。 scifans.com

China has chosen AAD2010 to present the largest array of military hardware, software and systems technologies so far this year.
中国选择2010年非洲航宇和防务展来展现今年目前为止最多的一批军用硬件、软件和系统技术。 yeeyan

In this paper We discuss several semi- homeomorphic equivalent theorems aad its application for semitopological space.
本文讨论半拓扑空间的半同胚等价定理及其应用。 http://dj.iciba.com

It can satisfy all measurement requirements aad gain nice results.
该系统操作方便,能够满足全部测试要求,并得到良好的结果。 cnki

Methods331 patients of AAD, being in hospital at Feb1,2003, were studied retrospectively and analysed prospectively1 month later.
方法对2003年2月1日住在本院的331例老年患者进行回顾性调查,分析其在此后1个月内发生AAD的情况。 cnki

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the main risk factors of the antibiotic associated diarrhea AADin surgical critically ill patients and their preventive and therapeutic measures.
目的探讨外科危重患者抗生素相关性腹泻 AAD的主要危险因素及其预防和治疗措施。 cnki

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevention of antibiotic- associated diarrhea AAD in surgical critical illness patients and strengthen the usage of antibacterials to AAD in hospital.
目的探讨高危患者抗生素相关性腹泻的预防,加强医护人员合理应用抗菌药物的管理。 chemyq

Objective To investigate the characteristics of antibiotic associated diarrhea AAD in elderly patients.
目的了解老年患者抗生素相关腹泻 AAD的特征。 cnki

Public right aad private right are two sides of legal society.
公权与私权,是法制社会权利之两翼。 cnki

Refractories are provided in a variety of physical forms, such as shapes AAD monoliths. Shapes are usually bricks.
耐火材料可以制成各种物理形态,如各种型料和整体料。型料通常为砖形。 ebigear

Reservoir formed in the turbulent and oxidized environment, for example alluvial fan facies, fluvial facies, delta facies, aeolian facies aad shallow-sea facies etc.
储集层沉积于水体动荡、氧化性强的过补偿环境,如冲积扇相、河流相、滨浅湖相、三角洲相、浊积扇相、风成相、浅海相等。 cnki

RESULTS The main factors for AAD are changing antibiotics frequently, the age of patient, complicated disease of patient.
结果抗菌药物使用种类多样化、更换频繁、年龄、原发病的严重程度、侵袭性操作是主要的诱发因素。 chemyq

Results indicate that aptness of metaphor and expression style both affect Aad and persuasiveness significantly.
结果显示,隐喻的适切性和表现形式都对广告效果有显著的影响。 ebigear

Scholars and experts in enterprise aad education are trying to apply the foreign advanced training theories to the development of the managers as well.
企业界、教育界的学者、专家也正尝试把国际先进的培训开发理论运用于我国企业管理者的素质开发活动中。 cnki

The results are also helpful for the understanding of mechanisms concerning surface inversion aad interface problem in Si devices.
结果还有助于对硅表面反型的机构及界面问题的进一步认识。 cnki

The properties of ion- acoustic soliton such as its excitation, spatial evolution aad Mach number are studied on a stable plasma device.
本文在稳态等离子体装置中,对离子声孤立子的激发、空间传播和马赫数等进行了研究。 cnki

This paper introduces a programming method of displaying aad drawingoperational situation chart in the FCC microcomputer monitor and operation optimization system.
本文介绍“催化裂化微机工况监测和操作优化系统”中工况图形显示和绘制的程序设计方法。 cnki

This paper reports ultrasonographic diagnosis in33 eases of thyroid masses proved by surgery aad pathology.
本文报道了经手术和病理证实的33例甲状腺肿块超声图像诊断。 cnki

This paper surveys the optimal input design OID theory aad applications in system identification.
本文分时域法和频域法综述了动态系统辨识的最优输入设计。 cnki




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