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词汇 Dolong
释义 Dolong
n.多隆在印度尼西亚;东经 122º12' 南纬 0º15'
It seems to point in one direction,' He clapped his hands, and sent one of the eunuchs to summon Songgotu andDolong, the Chief Intendant of the Palace Guards.康熙道:“本来还不能拿得稳,你刚才这一比划,又多了一层证明。”双手一拍,吩咐在上书房侍候的太监:“传索额图、多隆二人进来。”
In the endDolongacquiesced in Trinket's generosity, much to the delight of the soldiers, who celebrated by getting thoroughly drunk and playing cards and dice well into the night.众侍卫连着在宫里值班的,大家一分,每人有几千两银子。人人兴高采烈,酒醉饭饱之余,便在公爵府花厅上推牌九、掷骰子的大赌起来。既是至好兄弟,韦小宝掷骰也就不作弊了。
Under the pilgrim disguise Trinket had no difficulty in recognizingDolong, Colonel of the Palace Guards.The unfriendliness, he realized, was due to the fact that he was himself disguised.韦小宝一见大喜,认得他是御前侍卫总管多隆,当即奔上,叫道:“多大哥,你瞧小弟是谁?”




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