

单词 doers
释义 doers ˈdu:əz COCA⁶³⁸⁹⁹BNC⁵¹⁵²⁶
n.行为者;实干家doer的名词复数原型doer的复数 For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
原来在神面前,不是听律法的为义,乃是行律法的称义。 ebigear

The department saves energy by offering amnesties to wrong doers who grass on their accomplices.
诚信部还通过向那些揭发同谋者的做坏事者提供特赦来节省精力。 ecocn

And if that doesn't work, which can be90% of the time, do something else. Luck finds the doers.
如果没有结果90%的时候是这样,那么换件事做。 yeeyan

Being able to take in the scene and respond quickly and effectively is what separates the doers from the wannabes.
可以当场并迅速有效的作出反应是区分实施者和需求者的能力。 yeeyan

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
只是你们要行道,不要单单听道,自己欺哄自己。 scientrans

Good deeds act and react on the doers of them; and so do evil.
好的行为会作用与反作用于行为人身上;恶的行为同样如此。 yeeyan

Great talkers are not great doers.
大空谈家不是好实干家。 bbs.24en.com

I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.
我恨恶恶人的会,必不与恶人同坐。 ebigear

In every domain I can think of, the people who are the most regarded are the doers.
在我能想到的每一领域里,最被人看重的是实干家。 yeeyan

Let’s build on that admirable example and do our part, here in Washington, so the doers, builders, and innovators in America can do their best in2011 and beyond.
今天在华盛顿,让我们以此绝佳范例为楷模,尽自己的一份力量,那么从2011年起,美国的实干家、建筑师和创新者也会各尽其能。 yeeyan

Networked digital technologies are transforming philanthropy, making it easier for “ donors and doers” to find, support and work with one another to address social problems, a new monograph says.
一份刚发表的论文声称网络技术让慈善事业的“捐赠者和工作者”能更加容易地找到彼此,使他们能携手工作以应对社会问题。 yeeyan

Our Lord! bring us out of this: if ever we returnto Evil, then shall we be wrong- doers indeed!
我们的主啊!求你让我们从火狱出去,如果我们再次犯罪,我们就确是不义者。 blog.sina.com.cn

Regulators are eager to show they are on the trail of the wrong- doers.
监管者正竭力展示他们是如何同那些违规者斗争的。 yeeyan

We may delight in the temporal justice shown to evil doers, but leave the final justice to God.
我们可以为暂时的公义在恶人身上彰显感到喜悦,但是要把最后的公义留给上帝。 juexiang

Who are the doers?
谁是实干家? yeeyan

Doers overcome fear and move on, and when they fail, they simply try again.
实干家却能克服内心的胆怯继续前进,即使他们失败了,也不过是从头再来。 yeeyan




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