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词汇 dodge
释义 dodge 英dɒdʒ美dɑdʒAHDdŏj

vt. & vi. 躲闪

move quickly to one side; change position or direction, in order to escape or avoid sth

vt. & vi. 回避

get round difficulties, avoid duties, etc. by cunning or trickery


duck; sidestep


contrivance; scheme

an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade;

his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track

a quick evasive movementa statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery
make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid;

The child dodged the teacher's blow

move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course;

the pickpocket dodged through the crowd

avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing duties, questions, or issues;

He dodged the issue

she skirted the problem

They tend to evade their responsibilities

he evaded the questions skillfully

dodge, duck, fence, malinger, parry, shirk

这组词都有“回避”的意思,它们之间的区别是:fence指像击剑者那样“躲避”,强调灵巧和勇气; dodge强调动作迅速或突然变换位置进行“躲闪”,含有策略、机警、聪明的意思; duck指突然地弯腰或好像弯腰那样进行“躲〔回〕避”; malinger指伪装有病或虚弱,以“逃避”职责或艰巨的任务等; parry强调自卫的技能和灵巧; shirk指卑鄙地、胆怯地、鬼祟地去“躲〔回〕避”。例如:

He was able to dodge so that the man's knife went through his sleeve, wounding him only slightly.他来得及躲开,那人的小刀刺穿他的衣袖,他仅受了点轻伤。
He saw a policeman coming and ducked behind a car.他看到一个警察向他走来,便闪身躲在一辆汽车后面。
She says she's got flu, but I think she's malingering.她说她感冒了,但我认为她是在装病逃避工作。
I parried her question by the best excuses I could offer.我用自己能找到的最好借口回避她的问题。
He shirked his duty to his family.他逃避家庭的职责。可能来自dodder, 摇摆,蹒跚,引申词义摇摇晃晃的闪开。
用作动词 v.
~+名词dodge the book躲开这本书dodge the issue〔one's query〕回避问题~+副词dodge cleverly机敏地避开
GRE红宝书读: 调职-目的是为了躲避诸如: 小人, 变态的上司, 同性恋的同事等读: 倒纸-假设有一天, 一位张大爷对你说:quot;我要往你的头上倒纸! quot;你作何反应-强烈建议你闪开! 大爷不禁打!
象dog一样会躲避,打狗是不容易打着的,狗是很会躲开击打的;音: 躲着, 躲;音:倒之,墙要倒,闪开;音:刀掷,刀掷过来赶紧闪开
非常记忆do做〖熟词〗+dge大哥〖拼音〗⇒做了坏事的大哥躲避警察联想记忆此地不宜久留lodge,回避dodge为妙发音记忆躲起 ⇒躲避近义词 ducktrickv. avoidevaden. scheme
S+~+AHe never dodges.他从不逃避责任。
He dodged cleverly when she threw her shoe at him.她用鞋子砸向他时,他机敏地闪开了。
He dodged behind a tree so that she should not see him.他躲在树后,使她瞧不见他。
S+~+ n./pron.He dodged the book that I threw at him.他躲开了我扔向他的书。
The reporters gathered around him, but he dodged their queries.记者们将他团团围住,但是他回避了他们的问题。
You have to be quick in order to dodge the traffic in city streets nowadays.现在你在城市的大街上必须机敏地躲避来往车辆。
Whatever you do, work hard at it and don't try to dodge the column.无论做什么事,都要努力去做,别偷懒。
The issue should not bedodged.这个问题不应该回避。用作名词n.A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上碾过。
He tried all sorts of dodges to avoid being called up.他挖空心思,耍弄各种花招以逃避被征召入伍。Pdodgeballn.躲球游戏Pdodgemn.躲闪车碰碰车Pdevil-dodgern.牧师教士Pdodgeryn.躲避推托施行诡计欺诈Pdodgern.躲闪者用诡计逃脱者蒙骗者推托者




用作动词Hedodgedpast me.他躲躲闪闪地从我旁边走过。
Hedodgedthe falling rock and escaped unhurt.他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱险了。
She was sharp-witted enough tododgeher attacker.她才思敏捷足以避开别人的攻击。
The man jumped aside tododgethe speeding truck.这人跳到旁边以躲避疾驶的卡车。
She tried tododgepaying her taxes.她想方设法逃税。用作名词Do you like to go playingdodgeball with us?要不要和我们一起去打躲避球?
Those were thedodgeshe used to escape taxation.那些是他用以逃税的诡计。noun.trick, feint
同义词 contrivance,device,machination,method,plan,plot,ploy,ruse,scheme,stratagem,strategy,subterfuge,wileverb.avoid
同义词 ditch,duck,elude,escape,evade,fend off,shuffle,sidestep,skirtdark,deceive,equivocate,fence,fudge,hedge,juke,lurch,malinger,parry,pussyfoot,shake,shift,shirk,short-circuit,slide,slip,swerve,tergiversate,trick,weaselcircumlocute,get around,get out of,give the slip,move to the side,put the move on,shake off,skip out on,tergiverse,turn aside
artificenoun hoax;clever act
avoidverb refrain or stay away from;prevent
abstain,avert,bypass,circumlocute,circumvent,cold-shoulder,deflect,desist,ditch,divert,dodge,duck,elude,escape,eschew,evade,fake out,fend off,flee,give the slip,hide,hold off,jump,keep clear,lay low,obviate,recoil,run for cover,shake,shake and bake,shake off,shirk,shrink from,shuffle off,shun,shy,sidestep,skip,skip out on,skip town,skirt,stay away,stay out,steer clear of,step aside,turn aside,ward off,weave,withdraw
avoidancenoun eluding;preventing
absention,circumvention,delay,departure,dodge,dodging,elusion,escape,escapism,eschewal,evasion,flight,forbearance,nonparticipation,parry,passive resistance,prevention,recession,recoil,restraint,retreat,runaround,self-restraint,shirking,shunning,steering clear of
balkverb stop short
cramp,crimp,demur,desist,dodge,evade,flinch,hesitate,recoil,refuse,resist,shirk,shrink from,shy,turn down
businessnoun job, profession
bag,biz,calling,career,craft,dodge,employment,field,function,game,line,livelihood,métier,occupation,pursuit,racket,specialty,trade,vocation,what one is into,work
businessesnoun job, profession
Mom and pops,cartels,concerns,corporations,establishments,factories,firms,fly-by-night operations,houses,institutions,markets,megacorps,mills,monopolies,organizations,outfits,partnerships,setups,shoestring operations,shops,stores,syndicates,trusts,ventures His modern equivalents are the stunted men in the Dodge Charger ad that ran during this year’s Super Bowl in February.
对等的现代形象是今年二月份超级杯年度冠军赛中,坐在道奇战马汽车里的那个小男人。 yeeyan

Over the years many of these crafty critters have figured out how to dodge the antibiotics we use to kill them, usually by chewing the drugs up and spitting‘em out.
多年以来,这些狡猾的小东西找到了如何躲避我们用来消灭它们的抗生素,也就是常见的吃掉药并排泄掉。 yeeyan

The Dodge chases a pedestrian or another car across the tarmac and shows his agility and even drives backward— the driver only has to look into the rear mirror to guide the car.
让这辆道奇车追上一个行人或是停机坪上另一辆车,显现了它的灵活性,甚至可以进行倒车——驾驶员只能通过看后视镜操控倒车。 yeeyan

“ It's celluloid,” my mother said, taking suitcase after suitcase out of her Dodge van.
“是‘胶片’。”我母亲说着,从她的道奇货车里拿出一个又一个手提箱。 yeeyan

After a single shock, the infant mice learned to dodge the danger zone.
一次冲击之后,幼小老鼠知道躲避这个危险区域。 yeeyan

Male snakes have a forked organ, allowing them to dodge the female's tail and penetrate from either direction.
雄蛇有一个叉状的生殖器,从而可以避开雌蛇的尾部,从两侧插入雌蛇体内。 yeeyan

Mr. Dodge had considered her an ideal companion for himself.
道奇先生已经将她当作自己理想的伴侣。 ebigear

My baby’s father drove his red Dodge pickup ninety miles an hour to get to the hospital.
我小宝贝的爸爸驾驶着他那台红色的道奇轻型卡车,以每小时九十英里的速度开到了医院。 yeeyan

On Wednesdays, she has to dodge garbage cans blocking the bike lane.
在周三的收垃圾日,她得避开自行车道上堆放着的垃圾桶。 ebigear

One day these might help people dodge some of the health effects of being overweight.
希望有一天这些可以帮助人们规避肥胖对健康的某些影响。 yeeyan

Some will tackle questions head on, while others will dodge them entirely.
有些人会直面问题,而有些人则会完全地闪避问题。 yeeyan

Suddenly, a top needle of a skyscraper is pressing toward him. He fails to dodge and bumps heavily on the concrete needle.
突然,一座摩天大厦的尖型顶柱朝他逼来,他躲避不及,重重地撞在混凝土顶柱上。 ebigear

The debris was spotted too late for the space station to dodge it.
太空垃圾被发现的时候已经太迟以至空间站难以进行规避。 yeeyan

Dodge’s site is mostly black which allows their images to pop.
道奇的网站大部分是黑色,这使得他们的图像得以流行。 yeeyan




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