

单词 documentary
释义 doc·u·men·ta·ry 英ˌdɒkjəˈmentəriː美ˌdɑkjəˈmɛntəriAHDdŏk'yə-mĕnʹtə-rē ★★☆☆☆初高六研IT四八COCA⁵⁵⁷⁴BNC⁶⁹⁵⁷iWeb³⁹⁷¹Economist¹⁰³²⁸


a film or television program based on facts and historical records

A 文件的,文书的

related to documents

a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event
relating to or consisting of or derived from documentsemphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation;

objective art

与词根-doc-, -doct-教同源词根词缀: document文件 + -ary形容词词尾documentary film纪录片,文献片…documentary reimbursement附单据求偿documentary remittance经 跟单汇票…documentary proof文件证明documentary acceptance跟单承兑televised documentary电视纪录片documentary collection跟单托收artistic documentary艺术记录片documentary draft押汇汇票,交换提单的…documentary information文件通知documentary sale经 跟单销售…documentary bill跟单汇票documentary securities有价抵押券documentary credit押汇信用documentary evidence书面证明
document文件,文档+ary形容词和名词后缀→文件的,文档的,书面的→记录的,纪实的⇒转作名词纪录片。非常记忆document文件〖熟词〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗+y树杈〖编码〗⇒纪录片的文件是矮人用树杈写的近义词 film电影life一生movie电影biopic传记片biography传记life story生平objective客观的documental文件的life history生活史docudrama文献电视片infotainment资讯娱乐documentary film纪录片,文献片…
用作名词n.A short documentary prefaced the feature movie.正片开始前放映了一部短纪录片。
The documentary treated the question in some detail.这部纪录片深层地探讨了这个问题。
It was named the best documentary of the year.它被选为这一年最优秀的文献纪录片。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.Documentary history of France is available in the library.图书馆里有法兰西史文献汇编。Psemidocumentaryn.半记实性电影

用作名词The film was adocumentaryon politicians in Russia.这部电影是一部关于俄罗斯政坛的纪录片。
We were watching adocumentaryabout Canadian sports.我们在观看关于加拿大体育的纪录片。
Her latestdocumentaryis concerned with youth unemployment.她最近的一部纪录片是关于青年人失业问题的。用作形容词The film was given adocumentarystyle by the director.导演以纪实的表现手法拍摄了这部影片。
This great battle was vividly recorded in thedocumentaryfilm.这部记录片生动地再现了这场伟大的战役。
This case lackeddocumentaryproof.本案缺少书面证据。
We deal withdocumentarycollections.我们处理单据托收。noun.investigative report
同义词 broadcast,feature,film,narrativeaccount,docudrama,information
documentary filmnoun factual film or tv presentation
docudrama,documentary movie,docutainment,infotainment The city and technology, documentary and street life are among subjects he tackles.
城市与技术,纪实和街道生活都是他涉及的方面。 kekenet

This great battle was vividly recorded in the documentary film.

To have the interest in reading documentary novels and articles.

Well, was in Citizen Kane? In his documentary?

A documentary filmmaker from Greece was interviewing me about my work.
一个来自希腊的纪录片拍摄者来采访我的工作。 yeeyan

And there's a very good documentary on the making of the film, as well, and some interesting deleted scenes.
其中有对这部影片制作过程的绝好记录,还有一些被删掉的有趣的场景。 blog.sina.com.cn

Anybody with a mobile phone that is also a camera is today a potential producer of an autobiographical documentary.
今天,只要有一部带摄像头的手机,任何人都是一个潜在的自传体纪录片生产者。 ecocn

But you have to remember this is a drama, not a documentary.
但你得牢记这只是部电视剧而不是纪录片。 yeeyan

His efforts at recreating the work of Egyptians will be the subject of the documentary.
这个纪录片的主题就是他重建埃及木乃伊制作的努力过程。 hjenglish

I decided to investigate the issue in a TV documentary.
我决定通过一个电视纪录片来调研这个问题。 yeeyan

I had a neighbor who worked as a documentary cameraman.
我曾经有一个从事纪录片摄影师工作的邻居。 yeeyan

It will be hard to find another documentary as moving as this one this year.
我们相信今年将很难再找出一部如此感人致深的纪录片。 ecocn

People get AIDS from each other, he explains in the documentary.
人们从别人那里感染艾滋病毒,他在纪录片中如此解释。 yeeyan

Photographers and documentary filmmakers traveling with the group of scholars recorded the scene, as the scholars, clutching notepads, scampered up a hill in search of caves.
当学者们紧握着记事本,极速奔向山上寻找洞穴时,随学者团队一同前往的摄影师和纪录片制作者们记录下了这一场景。 yeeyan

They love the idea of using documentary footage to illustrate whatever it is they're writing about.
他们喜欢这个点子,因为使用纪录片片段点明了他们究竟在写作什么。 yeeyan




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