

单词 doctrines
释义 doctrines 英'dɒktrɪnz美'dɒktrɪnz COCA¹⁷⁴⁵⁹BNC¹⁴⁴²⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
名词 doctrine:
a belief or system of beliefs accepted as authoritative by some group or schoolnoun.opinion;principle
同义词 attitude,axiom,belief,concept,creed,dogma,precept,proposition,regulation,rule,statement,teaching,tenet,traditionarticle,basic,canon,convention,conviction,credenda,declaration,fundamental,gospel,implantation,inculcation,indoctrination,instruction,position,pronouncement,propagandaarticle of faith,universal law,unwritten rule
反义词 ambiguitydisbelief,heterodoxy,skepticism,unbelief But, even if history never repeats itself, the persistence of Mahan's doctrines suggests the past likes to have a try.
虽说历史永远不会重演,马汉学说的持续发酵,也许会给悲剧再来一次的机会。 topsage

All such doctrines are equally stupid and futile.
所有这样的学说都是愚蠢与徒劳的。 tianya

But here the local Hindu India with the Hindu not the same as the Hindu doctrines and customs of the combination of Bali, known as the Hindu Bali.
但这里的印度教同印度本土上的印度教不大相同,是印度教的教义和巴厘岛风俗习惯的结合,称为巴厘印度教。 kekenet

His doctrines have seduced many into error.

In a world of doctrines and positions, he was impossible to box.
在一个充满教条和立场的世界里,他很难进行驳斥。 ecocn

Rather than persevering with the doctrines of Arab Nationalism, or following the glittering excesses of Gulf consumerism, Col Gaddafi's innately mercurial character led him and Libya on a new path.
卡扎菲性格多变,他没有固守阿拉伯民族主义的教条,也没有跟风海湾地区珠光宝气的奢侈消费习气,而是独辟蹊径,领导利比亚走上一条崭新的道路。 yeeyan

They had faith in different doctrines, so they had a good many domestic troubles.
他们信仰不同的教义,因此有许多家庭的纠纷。 ebigear

They honestly believe those same doctrines will protect them in the next depression.
他们真的相信这些学说可以继续让他们挨过下一次大萧条。 yeeyan




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