

单词 DMA channel
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The driver failed to get the requiredDMA channel.驱动程序未能获得所需的DMA频道。
TheDMA channelis in use by another part of the system.这个DMA频道已被系统的其他部份占用。
This allows your PC to set up aDMA channelbetween a hard drive and a sound card to process and play any music files that you may have stored.这让你的个人计算机建立一个硬式磁盘机和一个语音卡之间的一个DMA波道处理而且播放你可能已经储存的任何的音乐文件。
An unrecognized error occurred while trying to register ownership of the hardwareDMA channelassigned to this device.注册分配给这个设备的硬件DMA频道的所有权时,出现了一个无法辨别的错误。
This setting sets theDMA channelyour Sound Blaster 16 card will use for 8-bit digitized sound.这个选项设置声霸16卡播放8位数字化声音时使用的DMA频道。
ADMA channelis used when a device such as a sound card has an independent processor and can bypass the CPU.当一个装置,像是一个语音卡有一个独立的处理机的时候,一个DMA波道被用而且能省略处理器。




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