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dkbaCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 🌏民主克伦佛教军克伦民主佛教军;佛教克伦族民主军 There are about20 illegal border crossing points controlled by the DKBA. 民主克伦佛教军大约控制二十个非法的边境通道。 blog.sina.com.cn There was also a clash between pro- regime DKBA troops and breakaway DKBA units on Wednesday in Kawkareik Township. 民主克伦佛教军亲政府部队和分裂出的单位在高克雷地区星期三发生冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn According to Karen sources, most of the DKBA Brigade5 have refused the BGF plan and will join the KNLA. 据克伦来源称,民主克伦佛教军第5旅拒绝改编计划,并会加入克伦民族解放军。 blog.sina.com.cn Days later the DKBA and the colonel launched a joint offensive with junta forces against the KNU's 7th Brigade. 几天后,民主克伦佛教军和苏奇督上校部与缅军发起对克伦民族联盟的第7旅的联合进攻。 blog.sina.com.cn Meanwhile, multiple clashes between regime troops and breakaway DKBA units have occurred during the past several days. 与此同时、在过去数天中,缅军与民主克伦佛教军分裂出的单位发生多起冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn Some DKBA leaders say they want to keep their organization independent upon the urging of the influential abbot, Ashin Thuzana. 一些领导人在住持阿信督桑拿长老主张催促下,他们希望保持独立。 blog.sina.com.cn The Burmese junta this week banned DKBA troops from carrying weapons and wearing uniforms while traveling. 缅甸军政府本周已经禁止民主克伦佛教军部队士兵携带武器和穿制服进行移动。 blog.sina.com.cn The DKBA now controls most of the Thai-Burmese border area previously controlled by the KNU. 民主克伦佛教军现在控制克伦民族联盟先前控制的泰缅边境的大部分地区。 blog.sina.com.cn The DKBA split from the KNU and signed a cease-fire with the Burmese regime in1995. 民主克伦佛教军从克伦民族联盟分裂,并在1995年与缅甸军政权签署了停火协议。 blog.sina.com.cn The DKBA split from the KNU in 1994 and signed a ceasefire agreement with the junta. 民主克伦佛教军1994年从克伦民族联盟分裂,随后与军政府签署了一项停火协议。 blog.sina.com.cn Troops are also ordered to block communication between the DKBA Brigade5 and members of the New Mon State Party( NMSP, another armed ceasefire group operating in the area. 部队还下令阻止民主克伦佛教军5旅和新孟邦党之间往来。新孟邦党是另一个在该地区活动的民族武装停火组织小组。 blog.sina.com.cn Two break- away DKBA soldiers were killed, according to Karen sources. 分裂出的单位两名士兵被打死,据卡伦来源。 blog.sina.com.cn We asked for our DKBA insignia to be sewn on our uniforms, but they refused. 我们要求我们的制服缝上民主克伦佛教军徽章,但是缅军拒绝。 blog.sina.com.cn He tried to persuade the Colonel to agree to BGF but failed, a DKBA officer said. 觉丹将军试图说服苏拉培上校同意接受改编,但失败了,一个官员说。 blog.sina.com.cn |