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词汇 Diyarbakir
释义 Di·yar·ba·kir 英dɪˌjɑːbəˈkɪə, diːˈjɑːbʌkə美dɪˌjɑrbəˈkɪr, diˈjɑrbʌkɚAHDdĭ-yär'bə-kîrʹ, dē-yärʹbŭk-ər Economist¹⁵⁴⁹⁴
SALIH SEZGIN, a Kurd, was in Diyarbakir prison when Turkey's generals seized power in1980.
库尔德人,1980年土耳其的将军们夺权的时候被关于迪亚巴克尔监狱。 ecocn

At a recent rally in Diyarbakir, the unofficial capital of Turkey’s Kurdish south-east, Mr Erdogan renewed his promise to write an entirely new constitution, something Turkey’s Kurds have long sought.
最近,在库尔德东南区非官方首都迪亚巴克尔的大集会中,埃尔多安重申了修订一套全新的宪法的承诺,这正是土耳其的库德人梦寐以求的。 ecocn

BDP officials in Diyarbakir dismiss the so-called Kurdish opening as rubbish.
迪亚尔巴克和平民主党官员对所谓的“库尔德开放”工程不以为然。 ecocn

In the largely Kurdish south- east the DTP took a thumping 75% in the provincial capital, Diyarbakir.
在库尔德人居多的东南部地区,民主社会党在省会城市迪亚巴克尔取得了惊人的75%得票率。 ecocn

In Diyarbakir, the de facto capital of the Kurdish region, where prison inmates were once force-fed their own excrement, banners reading “ Qirej Nekin” Kurdish for “don’t litter” line the streets.
在库尔德地区的实际首府迪亚尔巴克尔,囚犯们曾经被强制灌食自己的排泄物,举着写有“ Qirej Nekin”的横幅“不乱抛垃圾”的库尔德人游街。 ecocn

Instead of returning quietly home, the PKK men triumphantly paraded in uniform through the streets of Diyarbakir.
这些库尔德工人党分子并没有悄然返家,而是身着军装得意洋洋地在迪亚尔巴克街头招摇穿过。 ecocn

SALIH SEZGIN, a Kurd, was in Diyarbakir prison when Turkey’s generals seized power in1980.
Salih Sezgin,库尔德人,1980年土耳其的将军们夺权的时候被关于迪亚巴克尔监狱。 ecocn

The BDP had boycotted parliament altogether, holding its own sessions in the Kurds’ unofficial capital, Diyarbakir.
和平民主党BDP曾经一起抵制议会并在库尔德人非官方首都迪亚巴克尔举行自己的会议。 ecocn

The governor of Batman, for example, expresses cautious support for it, but the governor of Diyarbakir is against.
例如,拜特曼省长对此表示谨慎支持,可是迪亚尔巴克省长却持反对态度。 ecocn

The women have formed aco-operative, but their only customer is Diyarbakir'schamber of commerce.
女人们已经有固定的合作关系,不过她们的唯一的顾客是迪亚巴克尔商务部。 ecocn

In1991 she won a seat in the mainly Kurdish province of Diyarbakir, in south-east Turkey.
1991年她赢得了土耳其东南部主要是库尔德人的迪亚巴克尔省的一个议会席位。 ecocn




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