

单词 divvy
释义 div·vy 英ˈdɪviː美ˈdɪviAHDdĭvʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁶⁰⁷⁷⁹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁴⁰⁸³⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
short for dividend; especially one paid by a cooperative society来自dividend的口语。di-双-vvy⇒v.分配⁴⁰;分摊³⁶;分享n.部分¹²v.分享¹²;分;瓜分;拿一份;分掉n.份儿;分派;某事的一部分近义词 split分裂allot分配divide划分deal out分配allocate分派divide up瓜分apportion分配distribute分配dole out少量地发放share out均分分配

用作动词The thieves agreed todivvyup with the spoils.盗贼们同意把赃物瓜分掉。
Theydivviedup the winnings between them.他们瓜分了赢得的钱。
We shoulddivvyup more of the pot with the shareholders.我们应该让股东们分享更多的利润。verb.distribute
同义词 deal,divide,ration,share,splitallot,deal out,dispense,divvy up,dole out,give out
反义词 collect,combine,gather,hold,join,keep
admeasureverb allot
allocate,apportion,distribute,divide,divvy up,lot,measure out,mete,ration,share
allocateverb assign;divide among
admeasure,allot,apportion,appropriate,budget,cut,designate,dish out,divvy,earmark,give,mete,set aside,share,slice
allocatesverb assign;divide among
admeasures,allots,apportions,appropriates,budgets,cuts,designates,dishes out,divvies,earmarks,gives,metes,sets aside,shares,slices
allocatingverb assign;divide among
admeasuring,allotting,apportioning,appropriating,budgeting,cutting,designating,dishing out,divvying,earmarking,giving,meting,setting aside,sharing,slicing
allotverb assign;give portion
admeasure,allocate,appoint,apportion,appropriate,assign,budget,cut,cut the pie,designate,distribute,divvy,dole,earmark,mete,set aside,share,shell out,slice,split up
allotsverb assign;give portion
admeasures,allocates,appoints,apportions,appropriates,assigns,budgets,cuts,cuts the pie,designates,distributes,divvies,doles,earmarks,metes,sets aside,shares,shells out,slices,splits up Now, what is the fair way to divvy up the chores?
什么才是最公平的分配方式? yeeyan

All other four- legged animals, like dogs or cats or horses, divvy up those duties. With their rear legs powering the push forward, and their front legs acting as brakes.
其他所有的四肢行走动物,例如狗,猫和马,这些功能被分配到不同肢体上,后肢主要负责驱动前进,而前肢则起到类似刹车的作用。 blogcn

Before you gobble it up whole, divvy it up into three slices for after-tax income, savings, and everything else.
在你狼吞虎咽吃下之前,将其分成三份——税后收入、储蓄和其他。 yeeyan

But the league’s players and its team owners are now arguing over how to divvy up the spoils.
但此时联赛的球员和球队老板正在争论改如何瓜分战利品。 ecocn

I divvy up my shopping, so I buy a little at a time.
我根据需要购物,所以每次只买一点。 iciba

Let's divvy it up between us.
我们两人把它平分吧。 http://dict.foodmate.net

Maybe we should divvy up the things we bought.
也许我们应该瓜分殆尽,我们买的东西。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org

Programs on the PPE divvy up tasks to the SPEs to accomplish, and then they feed data back and forth to each other.
PPE上的程序可以将任务分解到 SPE上完成,然后相互传输数据。 ibm

The districting system will also help divvy up tents and other more permanent housing, officials say.
官员表示,这套分区系统还将帮助政府分配帐篷以及其他更长期的住房。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

The thieves agreed to divvy up with the spoils.
盗贼们同意把赃物瓜分掉。 websaru

The process started with a precooked government plan to divvy up the company between Fiat, a trust fund run by the United Automobile Workers union and the American and Canadian governments.
这个过程开始于政府和菲亚特公司分摊克莱斯勒的计划,美国汽车工人协会和美国加拿大政府控制的信托基金。 yeeyan

They decided to divvyup the money they'd stolen.

This flexibility has benefits, but it also has a drawback: the parasites have to keep track of their chromosomes… even as they change their minds about how and when to divvy them up.
这种灵活的繁殖方式有优点也有缺点:就算是寄生虫想用不同方式或者想在不同时间分开染色体进行复制,它们都必须跟踪记录自己的染色体信息。 hjenglish




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