

单词 divorce rate
释义 divorce rate diˈvɔ:sreit I短语³³¹⁴⁷
And the divorce rate among college- educated women has plummeted.
接受过大学教育的妇女的离婚率也下跌了。 ecocn

The report also says the rising divorce rate is resulting in large numbers of older people living in single households.
报告也指出,离婚率不断上升使得很多年龄较大的人过着独居的生活。 worldbank

Britain’s divorce rate has stabilised. But that trend disguises a rise in the overall separation rate.
英国的离婚率比较稳定,而这一趋势掩盖了整体分居率的上升。 ecocn

Despite the high divorce rate, marriage has never been more popular.
仅管离婚率高,婚姻却比以前更容易让人接受。 hjenglish

Due to the increasing divorce rate, there are more and more single parent households.
由于离婚率上升,出现了越来越多的单亲家庭。 kekenet

Experts fear that the divorce rate will continue to soar, particularly among the younger generation of Chinese born under the country's one-child policy and during China's explosive economic growth.
专家们担心离婚率将继续上升,尤其是在中国的独生子女政策下出生,在中国的爆发式经济增长中成长的年青一代中更是如此。 yeeyan

I would suggest this conflict is strongly reflected in the high divorce rate.
在我看来,现今的高离婚率就很好地反映了以上的冲突。 yeeyan

In 1936, the divorce rate in Europe averaged5 percent, exceeding that of Australia, Canada, South Africa and China.
1936年,欧洲的平均离婚率为5%,远超同期的澳大利亚,加拿大,北非和中国。 yeeyan

Most are married81.2 percent, and their divorce rate is low4.1 percent.
大部分81.2%都已婚,并且离婚率很低4.1%。 yeeyan

So the overall separation rate is higher than the marriage-only divorce rate.
因此整体分居率比法定结婚离婚率要高。 ecocn

The association between education and the first- divorce rate held up even when race was factored in.
即使考虑到种族因素,教育和首次离婚率直接的关系也站得住脚。 yeeyan

The rise in Asia has been recent: China’s divorce rate took off in the early 2000s.
亚洲离婚率的上升确实是最近才发生的:中国的离婚率从2000年开始飙升。 ecocn




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