

单词 divides
释义 di·vide·s 英dɪ'vaɪd美dɪ'vaɪd COCA¹⁶⁷²⁷BNC¹³⁷⁴⁷Economist⁷⁵⁵⁶
vt. & vi. 分,划分

split or break up

vt. & vi. 分离,隔开


a serious disagreement between two groups of people typically producing tension or hostilitya ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems
separate into parts or portions;

divide the cake into three equal parts

The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I

perform a division;

Can you divide 49 by seven?

act as a barrier between; stand between;

The mountain range divides the two countries

come apart;

The two pieces that we had glued separated

make a division or separationforce, take, or pull apart;

He separated the fighting children

Moses parted the Red Sea


❌ She has divided the cake into three parts for ten minutes.

✔️ She divided the cake into three parts ten minutes ago.



❌ Their views were very divided on the subject.

✔️ Their views were much divided on the subject.

divide的过去分词divided可用作形容词,在句中作表语,可用much, very much等修饰,但不可用very来修饰。

divide among, divide with

divide among含有“给…分”的意思,即完全分给他人,自己丝毫不拿, divide with的意思是“和…一起分”,既和他人分享,自己也拿一份。

divide, distribute, part, separate, share


1.divide和distribute都可指把一物按照一定的比例“分开”“分配”, divide通常分得比较均匀, distribute则不一定平均; share也指“分开”,但强调分开后的“共享”,自己也取用其中一份。例如:

We divided out the money equally.我们把钱均分了。
The power stations are distributed over different areas.电力站分布在不同的地区。
They shared the cake between them.他们分吃了那块蛋糕。

2.divide和distribute都有强行分割的意味, part更强,含有分开后不再相互接触的意味。例如:

No quarrels shall divide us.什么样的争论也不能使我们不合。
This class is too large; we shall have to distribute it.这个班太大了,我们得把它分一分。
They parted friendly.他们友好地分手了。

3.separate还可指由于某种自然的障碍而造成阻隔; divide还有“分歧”的意思; distribute还可表示“散发”“分布”。例如:

This part of the garden should be separated off for vegetable growing.应当把花园的这部分分出来种菜。
The House again divided, and the bill was passed by 11 votes.议院的意见又产生了分歧,该法案以11票获得通过。
They distributed leaflets to the crowd.他们向人群散发传单。divide, deal, dispense, distribute

这四个词的共同意思是“分配”。其区别在于:deal强调公平分配; dispense强调按需分配; distribute强调均衡分配; divide则强调人人有份。例如:

The money must be dealt out fairly and justly.这笔钱必须公平分配。
The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.这台机器将种子又匀又快地播种下去。
He dispensed money to the poor.他把钱分给穷人们。
They divided the money among themselves.他们把那钱分了。divide…from, separate…from


divide…into, separate…into














14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的dividere:di 分开) +videre (分离),意为分开,分裂。
用作动词 (v.
~+名词divide booty分赃divide funds分配资金divide highway分隔公路divide inheritance分遗产divide land分配土地divide mails分拣邮件divide proceeds分配买卖的收益divide profits分红divide ventilation分道通风~+副词divide much看法大相径庭divide equally平均分配divide evenly平均分配divide finely细小地划分divide formally正式地划分divide invariably永久分离divide originally最初划分divide wisely明智地划分divide off隔开divide out分发divide up the work分工~+介词divide against发生内讧divide among在…中分配divide between在两者中分配divide by用…除尽,因…而分开divide from把…分开divide in意见不一致divide into分成divide into equal proportions分成相等的份数divide into postal districts划分为若干邮区divide on对…看法不一divide with sb与某人分担…
divide among v.+prep.

在…之间分派〔分配〕 separate and give out or share

divide sth among sbYou may divide the blame among you.你们可分任其过。
The apples were divided among the children.苹果给孩子们分了。
divide between v.+prep.

在…之间分派〔分配〕 separate and give out or share

divide sth between sth and sthHe divided his time between work and study.他把时间分别用在工作和学习上。
He divided his time between reading and writing.他把时间用在阅读和写作上。
The profits were divided between two partners.利润由两位合股人分得。
divide by v.+prep.

除以 find out how many times one number contains or is contained in another number

divide by sth10 divides by 5.10能被5除尽。4 divides by 2.4能被2除尽。15 divided by 3 is 5.15除以3等于5。6 divided by 3 is 2.6除以3等于2。divide sth by sthDivide 30 by 15.用15除30。Divide 15 by 3.用3除15。When you divide 9 by 3, you get 3.3除9得3。
divide from v.+prep.

把…分开 split sth into

divide sb/sth from sb/sthShe divided the younger children from the older ones.她把年幼些的孩子与大一些的分开。
We must divide the sick men from the others.我们必须把病人隔离。
A low brick wall divides our garden from our neighbour's garden.我们的花园与隔壁邻居的花园之间以一堵矮墙为界。
The Red Sea divides Africa from Asia.红海把非洲和亚洲分开。
divide in v.+prep.

分为,分成 be separated into parts

divide sth in sthDivide it in half.把它分成两半。
First he divided it in two, then divided each into four.他首先把它分成两份,然后又把每份分成四份。
divide into v.+prep.

分成; 分为 be separated into parts

divide into sthThe river divides into two streams at this point.这条河在此分成两条支流。
The railway divides into two lines.铁路在这里分成两条支线。
We divided into three teams.我们分为三队。
The class divided into several smaller groups to talk about different parts of the subject.全班分成了几个小组分别讨论这个题目的不同部分。
Politically, this country divides into fifty states.这个国家可以从行政上划成五十个州。Five divides into 30 6 times.30除以5得6。Five divides into 20 four times.5除20得4。divide sth into sthDivide the cake into quarters and share it equally.把蛋糕分成四份,大家平均享用。
Divide this line into 20 equal parts.把这条线分成20个相等的部分。
I shall have to divide the class into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels.我得把全班学生分成三个组,按三种不同的程度轮流给他们上课。
Divide 3 into 9 and the answer is 3.9除以3得3。Divide 7 into 28 is 4.用7除28得4。This is divided into two parts.这被分成两部分。
The world is divided into five continents.世界分为五大洲。
History shows that wars are divided into two kinds:just and unjust.历史证明战争分为两类,一类是正义的,一类是非正义的。
divide on v.+prep.

在…方面有分歧 have dispute on someplace

divide on sthThe school divided on the choice of a motto.校方在选择座右铭方面意见不一致。
divide with v.+prep.

与…分享 share sth with sb

divide sth with sbHe divided the apples with them.他和他们一起分苹果。
He divided the blame with his companion.他和同伴共同承担责任。
Divide the cake with your sister.和你妹妹分吃这块饼。近义词 partsharebreakdisjoinbreak upseparateallocatedisuniteapportiondistribute反义词 joinmergeunifyunitegathercollect
S+~+AThe train divides at York.这列火车在约克市调动车厢分途行驶。
The curtain divided and the play began.幕拉开,剧就开演了。
The river divides and forms two streams.河流在这儿分开,形成两条小河。
They agree to divide evenly.他们同意平分。
The cells begin to divide rapidly.细胞开始迅速分裂。
S+~+ n./pron.This class is too large, we shall have to divide it.这个班太大了,我们得把它分一分。
We divided the money equally.我们平分了这笔钱。
No quarrels shall divide us.什么样的争论也不能使我们意见不合。
I hope this disagreement does not divide us.我希望意见不同不至于使我们分裂。
Please don't let such a small matter divide us.请不要让这样的小事使我们不和。
Words and actions should help to unite, and not divide, the people of our various nationalities.言论和行动要有利于团结各族人民,而不是分裂人民。
A brook divides the field.一条小溪把这块地分开。
The sea divides England and the Continent.这海将英格兰与大陆分开了。
Four divides eight.4能除尽8。
When you divide 9 by 3 you get 3.用3除9得3。
Divide these figures by ten, if you want the truth.如果你想知道实际情况,就用10去除这些数字。
You cannot divide ten by three evenly.你用3除不尽10。
The Opposition are hopelessly divided.反对党已无可挽回地分裂了。
Opinions are divided and there will be more discussion.意见有分歧,讨论还要继续下去。





用作及物动词White lines divide the playing area into sections.这些白线把赛区分成各个部分。
Sixdividedby two is three.六除以二得三。用作不及物动词The traindividesat York.这列火车在约克市调动车厢分途行驶.用作名词 The Domain Model divides into three portions: A presentation tier, an application tier, and a data tier.
领域模型把应用划分成三个部分:表现层,应用层和数据层。 infoq

The proxy service divides a single logical transaction into several discrete partitions.
代理服务将单个的逻辑事务划分为多个不连续的分区。 ibm

The Red Sea divides Asia from Africa.

The role separation divides the security duty among administrators.
角色分离分离了管理员的安全职责。 ibm

Each time a cell divides, its telomeres shortens and the cell becomes more susceptible to dying.
每当一个细胞分解,它的端粒就会缩短,而细胞就变得更为易于死亡。 yeeyan

Every time a cell divides, the telomeres shorten, like plastic tips fraying on a shoelace.
细胞每次分裂时,端粒会缩短,就像鞋带两端的塑料头会被磨损一样。 yeeyan

He devised the Q Ratio, a formula that divides total market capitalization by the cost of replacing assets.
他提出 Q比率的概念,这是一个划分总市值消耗重置资产的公式。 yeeyan

He divides the book into three parts: Landscape, Technologies, and Strategies.
他将该书划分为三个部分:形势,技术和策略。 ibm

However, anyone who’s been stuck in rush hour traffic or faced a looming deadline knows that the causes and consequences of stressful experiences do not adhere to these academic divides.
然而,任何一个经历过交通高峰期或迫在眉睫的截止日期的人都知道,紧张经历的原因和结果和这些学术划分毫无联系。 yeeyan

IBM has a strategic method called Component Business Modeling CBM that produces a business architecture that divides the enterprise as a whole into a number of business components.
IBM提出了名为组件业务建模 CBM 的战略方法,可通过其获得业务体系结构,其中将企业这个整体划分为了一系列业务组件。 ibm

It divides memory into variable- length records composed of16-byte blocks.
它将内存划分为由一些16字节块组成的变长的记录。 ibm

She divides with me.

The road divides five miles from here.

Yet another dispute divides China and ASEAN.
还有其它的争论分化中国和东盟。 ecocn




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