

单词 diverge to
释义 diverge to
Over time the groupsdiverge tothe point that they can no longer interbreed if they are later brought together.过了一段时间之后,两群累积的遗传差异达到了即使相遇也无法混血的程度。
In the symbol thesediverge toperipheral are similar to a small whisker the line color are from Huang Daolv the gradually color deterioration.标志中那些发散到周边的如同一根根小触须的线条颜色是由黄到绿的渐变色。
Don'tdiverge toanother topic.不要离开本题而扯到另一话题上去。
A ground or molded piece of glass, plastic, or other transparent material with opposite surfaces either or both of which are curved, by means of which light rays are refracted so that they converge ordiverge toform an image.透镜,镜片一片磨光的或塑造成的玻璃、塑料或其它透明的物质,有两个相反的表面,其中的一个或两个都成曲线形,通过这种方式可将光线折射以便聚集或发散来形成图像




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