

单词 dive
释义 dive 英daɪv美daɪvAHDdīv ★★☆☆☆小高四六研IT4八COCA⁶⁹⁴⁹BNC¹⁵⁴⁷⁶iWeb⁴⁵³⁹Economist¹⁶²⁸⁴

vi. 跳水

jump head first into water


an act of diving

a cheap disreputable nightclub or dance halla headlong plunge into watera steep nose-down descent by an aircraft
drop steeply;

the stock market plunged

plunge into water;

I was afraid to dive from the board into the pool

swim under water;

the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells

dive, pitch, plunge

这组词意思相近,其区别在于:plunge指自身主动或在外力作用下的“投入”“陷入”“浸入”某种状态之中,强调“突然”和“用力”; dive常指有意识和有目的地“跳入”“投入”,侧重于动作的熟练和姿态的优雅,引申可指“专心研究”某事; pitch常指无意识、无计划地向前或向下“扔”“投”“抛”,也可指船在暴风雨中“前后摇摆”。

用作动词 v.
~+副词dive deep深刻钻研dive abruptly突然跳入水中dive bravely勇敢地跳入水中dive cleanly干净利落地跳入水中dive gracefully优美地跳入水中dive steeply垂直俯冲dive in头朝下跳入水中dive off纵身跳下~+介词dive for潜水找…dive for ball向球扑去dive for cover迅速隐蔽dive for pearls潜水取珍珠dive from从…上跳水dive from the bridge从桥上跳入水中dive in the pocket突然把手伸进口袋dive into跳入,躲进dive into the bushes躲进树丛中dive into the history潜心研究历史dive into the pool潜入池水中dive into the study钻研dive to突然下降dive to ten below zero突然降到零下10度dive to the bottom刨根问底dive under the water潜入水下用作名词 n.动词+~make a dive跳水take a dive暴跌形容词+~beautiful dive优美的跳水~+介词make a dive for sth冲过去拿某物take a dive into深入研究
dive for v.+prep.

潜入水中打捞东西 enter the water for sth

dive for sthThe men are diving for pearls.这些人正在潜水采集珍珠。
They are diving for gold from Spanish wreck.他们潜水到西班牙失事船上打捞黄金。
dive in v.+adv.

〈非正〉开始猛吃; 热切地加入或开始干某事( start eating or other activity keenly)

dive into v.+prep.

〈非正〉使在…中快速翻找 (cause to search inside a container quickly)

dive into sthThe swimmer dived into the river to save the drowning child.这位游泳者跳入河里去营救那个溺水的小孩。dive into sthHe sat down and at once dived into a pile of potatoes.他一坐下就啃起一堆土豆来。
Jim dived into the argument as usual without thinking.吉姆同往常一样不加思考便加入了这场争论。dive into sthI was following the man when he dived into a small restaurant and I lost track of him.当我正在跟踪那个人时,他突然闪进一家小饭馆,失去了踪影。dive into sthDiving into her bag, she found a handkerchief just in time.她迅速地在她的提包里翻了一下,正好找到了一块手帕。dive sth into sthHe dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.他把手伸到衣兜里摸,试图找到那把钥匙。
dive off v.+prep.

从某高处头朝下跳入水中 enter water headfirst from (sth high)

dive off sthThe competitors will dive off the highest board.比赛者将从最高一个跳板上跳入水中。
How many of our girls dived off the top board.姑娘中有多少从最高的跳板上跳过水?用作名词n.make a dive for

冲进… push into (a certain place)

故事记忆新年的 Eve前夜布什去 Dive跳水卷起了 Sleeve袖子爬上棵 Olive橄榄树撞伤了 Nerve神经医生给 Observe观察还伤了心脏 Valve瓣膜非常记忆di弟〖拼音〗+ve维E〖编码〗⇒弟弟吃完维E去跳水联想记忆我第一次跳水dive,给give我点儿勇气近义词 plungev. dipsubmerge
S+~+ACan you dive?你会跳水吗?
They dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning woman.他们从桥上跳入水中,救起溺水的妇女。
The aircraft dived steeply.那架飞机垂直俯冲下来。
The eagle dived straight at the field mouse.那只鹰径直向田鼠扑下去。用作名词n.He ventured a high dive into shallow water.他冒险从高处跳进水中。
The early dives were not very deep.早期的潜水不太深。Pdivern.潜水者Pskin-divevi.潜游Pdive-bombv.俯冲轰炸Ppower-divev.俯冲骤降Pcrash-divevi.急速地潜航Pnosedivevi.俯冲猛跌暴落Pnose-divevi.垂直降落暴跌Pdived跳水潜水俯冲猛冲突然下降把手伸入钻研插进伸入投入探究



在英式英语中, dive的过去式和过去分词均为dived; 在美式英语中, dive的过去式为dove,过去分词为dived。

用作名词Ourdiveis a part of this expedition.我们这次潜水活动就是属于这个远航的一部分。
What a beautifuldive!多么优美的跳水!用作不及物动词Hedivedfrom the bridge and rescued the drowning child.他从桥上跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子。
The eaglediveddown on the rabbit.那只鹰向兔子猛扑下来。
Children alwaysdiveto the bottom of a subject.孩子们对问题总是追根究底的。noun.descent, usually underwater
同义词 dip,leap,plungedash,duck,ducking,fall,lunge,nosedive,pitch,spring,submergence,submersion,swoopbelly flop,header headlong jump
反义词 ascent,increase,risejumpnoun.dirty, sleazy establishment
同义词 holebar,barroom,dump,flophouse,hangout,honky-tonk,joint,lounge,pub,saloon,taproom,tavernbeer garden cabaret,flea trap,night club,pool hallverb.descend, usually going underwater
同义词 dip,disappear,drop,duck,fall,jump,leap,lunge,nose-dive,plummet,plunge,swoop,vanish,vaultgutter,header,pitch,plumb,spring,submergebelly flop,go headfirst
反义词 ascend,risego up
cabaretnoun nightclub with musical performances
after-hours joint,bar,café,disco,discothèque,hideaway,hot spot,night spot,nightery,speakeasy,supper club,tavern,watering hole
casinonoun gambling establishment
Monte Carlo,bank,betting house,big store,club,clubhouse,dance hall,dice joint,dive,gambling den,hall,honky-tonk,house,joint,pool hall,roadhouse,rotunda,saloon,track
comedownnoun letdown, blow
crashverb fall
bite the dust,bump,collapse,collide,crash-land,ditch,dive,drive into,drop,fall flat,fall headlong,fall prostrate,give way,go in,hurtle,lurch,meet,overbalance,overturn,pancake,pitch,plough into,plunge,prang,slip,smash,splash down,sprawl,topple,tumble,upset,washout
declinenoun lessening
abatement,backsliding,comedown,cropper,decay,decrepitude,degeneracy,degeneration,descent,deterioration,devolution,diminution,dissolution,dive,downfall,downgrade,downturn,drop,dwindling,ebb,ebbing,enfeeblement,failing,failure,fall,fall-off,falling-off,flop,lapse,on the skids,pratfall,recession,relapse,senility,skids,slump,wane,waning,weakening,worsening
descendverb move down, lower a
cascade,cataract,cave in,coast,collapse,crash,crouch,decline,deplane,detrain,dip,disembark,dismount,dive,dribble,drop,fall,fall prostrate,get down,get off,go down,gravitate,ground,incline,light,lose balance,penetrate,pitch,plop,plummet,plunge,prolapse,set,settle,sink,slant,slide,slip,slope,slough off,slump,stoop,stumble,submerge,subside,swoop,toboggan,topple,trickle,trip,tumble,weep Oil also allows cool water to get past the birds' wet suit-like feathers and touch skin, compromising the pelicans' thermal regulation and making it harder for them to fly and dive for fish.
同时,油污还会使冰冷的海水直接穿透鹈鹕紧身衣似的羽毛层,与皮肤相接触,危及它们的热调节系统,让它们很难飞起来,也无法潜入水中捕鱼。 yeeyan

All the frogs line up on the edge of a rock to dive.
所有的青蛙在一块石头边上排起了队来潜水。 hjenglish

I can dive under the water without any facilities but I can't stop down there too much time.

If that holds true for any penguins, then the dive depths achieved by these giant forms would've been very different.
如果这对所有的企鹅都是成立的话,那么这种古代企鹅的潜水深度和现在相比是完全不同的。 yeeyan

Just before they break, I dive to the bottom.
刚好在风平浪静这前,我潜到了水底。 yeeyan

See the dip in the early nineties that appears to be the next largest dive after the current one?
看到九十年代初期出现的那次跳水了吗?仅次于当前这次大跳水的那个? yeeyan

The soldiers and sailors scuba- dive, sail and drink Seybrew, the local beer—and pay for it all in hard currency.
士兵和水手们在这里潜水,玩帆船,喝当地人酿造的啤酒,买单全是硬通货。 ecocn

When you dive, you must keep your legs straight.

When the bell rings, it may be too late to dive.
当铃声响起的时候,再跳水也许就太晚了。 ecocn




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