

单词 disyllabic
释义 di·syllabic 英ˌdɪsɪ'læbɪk美ˌdɪsə'læbɪk 高COCA¹⁰⁶⁷⁹⁷BNC⁶³³⁹²

having or characterized by or consisting of two syllables It also changed the fastest. Epitaph included rich plenty of Disyllabic adjectives. They have distinct characteristics, and reflect the basic usage of disyllabic adjectives face.
魏晋南北朝墓志中使用了大量的丰富的复音形容词,具有鲜明的特点,基本反映了当时复音形容词的使用面貌。 fabiao

The general condition about lexicalization of disyllabic phrases in modern Chinese is described in this part.
考察现代汉语双音节词组词汇化的基本情况。 cnki

Their basic form is usually used with monosyllabic predicates and the reduplicated form is used with disyllabic predicates.
基式一般同单音节搭配,重叠式一般同双音节谓词搭配。 cnki

Finally, the conclusion of the thesis summarized the main features of epitaph- disyllabic adjectives in Wei Jin & Nan Bei Dynasties, illustrated the value and shortcomings existing in this thesis.
最后对论文的写作作出总结,概括了魏晋南北朝墓志复音形容词的主要特黠,分析了研究的价值和其中存在的不足之处。 fabiao

From the perspective of the diachronic character, the disyllabic roots condensed by synonym- compounds have the characteristics of dividing explanation.
从历时的角度看,由同义复词凝结而成的联绵词具有可分训性。 dictall

One of the difficulties in dividing Chinese words is disyllabic mid- supplement-type words.
汉语词语分界的难点之一就是双音节中补型词语。 cnki

Study historical orbit, disyllabic or polysyllabic word of development, the pre-Qin period era one important period that can't be ignored.
研究复音词发展的历史轨迹,先秦时代是一个不容忽视的重要时期。 cnki

The dissertation targets at the disyllabic and compound words with covert motivation in frequently used-words in modern Chinese.
论文以现代汉语常用词中具有隐性理据的双音复合词为研究对象,语料全部来自《现代汉语词典》。 cnki

This paper studies the syntactic and semantic features of the monosyllabic and disyllabic Desiderative- adjectives in Chinese.
本文主要考察单双音节意欲形容词的句法语义特征。 dictall

This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi in disyllabic sequence in Huangxian County Dialect.
本文试对黄县方言的二字组连读变调进行试验和音系分析。 cnki

Whether arising prior to or medieval freshmen, have shown Middle Chinese disyllabic adverb characteristics.
不管是中古以前产生的还是中古新生的,都显示了中古汉语副词的双音化特色。 fabiao

Disyllabic phrase's lexicalization degree is analyzed based on dictionary.
基于词典分析双音节词组词汇化的程度。 cnki




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