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dis·train·ed 英dɪs'treɪn美dɪ'streɪn BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺⁴ 基本英英例句例句 v.扣押⁸²;扣押财物¹⁸原型distrain的过去式和过去分词形容词distrainable名词distrainment过去分词distrained现在分词distraining三单distrains Verb: levy a distress onconfiscate by distresslegally take something in place of a debt payment 动词100% 用作动词Theydistrainedupon his goods for rent.他们扣押了他的货物抵偿租金。 The company distrained upon his goods for rent. 公司扣押他的货物抵偿租金。 iciba The court distrained property from him. 法庭扣押某人的财产。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The articles distrained shall be preserved properly and not be used for other purposes; 对扣押的物品,应当妥善保管,不得挪作他用; xddhy Their goods were distrained in pledge for rent. 他们的财产被扣押下来作租金。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Their goods were distrained upon for rent. 他们的财产被扣押以抵偿租金。《21世纪大英汉词典》 |