

单词 distilleries
释义 dis·till·er·y 英dɪ'stɪləri美dɪ'stɪləri COCA⁶⁶⁸⁰⁵BNC³⁶³⁵⁸
a plant and works where alcoholic drinks are made by distillationdistillery yeast酒精酵母distillery drier house酒糟干燥车间…distillery refuse烧酒业下脚料…distillery residue制酒残渣
近义词 still静止的

用作名词This company boasts of being the oldest whiskeydistilleryin the world.这家公司自称是世界上最早的威士忌蒸馏酒厂。
The same family has run this successful whiskydistilleryfor most of this century.这个家庭在大半个世纪里成功地经营着这家威士忌酒厂。as in.whiskey
同义词 alcohol,drink,liquor,spiritsdistiller,hooch,moonshine,poteen,rotgutmountain dew,spiritus frumenti,usquebaugh,white lightning The trade association says that in2008 and2009 a total of about500m pounds will be spent building six new distilleries, bringing two old ones back into use and expanding five sites.
苏格兰威士忌协会预测2008年和2009年,合计5亿英镑的投资将用于六座酿酒厂的新建,两座老酒厂的重新起用和五处地点的扩建。 ecocn

We call the fermentation pit with its age above30 years aged pit and it is usually considered as invaluable asset by the distilleries.
前言:窖龄在30年以上的发酵窖池均可称为“老窖” ,老窖均被名酒厂视为看家之宝。 chemyq

As demand flagged, many smaller distilleries closed or were bought by international drinks groups.
由于需求萎缩,大量小酒厂倒闭或被国际酒品集团收购。 ecocn

Industries like breweries, distilleries, dairies, slaughterhouses, paper and pulp mills, sugar refineries and other food processing plants produce mainly organic pollutants.
像酿造厂、造酒厂、牛奶厂、屠宰场、造纸和纸浆厂、炼糖厂以及其它食品加工厂等工业主要产生有机污染物。 emuch.net

Many distilleries claim that it's their water that differentiates their whisky from others.

New distilleries are springing up and old ones are expanding.
新酒厂如雨后春笋般出现,老牌酒厂则不断扩容。 ecocn

Put the energy crops in generators instead of distilleries and off you go.
将能源作物放进发动机中而不是蒸馏间,你就可以上路了。 ecocn

Sally Gold: They were using one of the resources that Scotland has a lot of, which are whiskey distilleries.
萨莉·高尔德:他们公司利用的是苏格兰丰富的资源之一,威士忌酿酒厂。 yeeyan

Scotland has more than a hundred distilleries, and each strives to produce its own distinct flavor.
苏格兰有上百家酿酒厂,每一家都致力于酿造他们自己独特口感的威士忌。 yeeyan

Taverns, restaurants, breweries, distilleries, and wineries reopened for business.
酒吧、餐厅、啤酒厂、酿酒厂、葡萄酒厂重新开业。 yeeyan

We are going to unveil its mystery, to guide you through all the ten distilleries, past, present and future.
这次,我们会带大家畅游岛上的十个酒庄:过去的、现在的、将来的。 singlemaltclub2.oinsite.cn

We blame our problems on tobacco companies, alcohol distilleries, drug companies, and more.
我们把问题归咎于烟草公司、酒厂和制药公司等等。 chinesetodays

Distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century.
欧洲最早的烧酒作坊出现于十七世纪中叶。 bab




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