

单词 distancing
释义 dis·tance 英'dɪstəns美'dɪstəns 高COCA²⁸²⁶⁶BNC²⁵⁹²⁸iWeb⁵³⁸³³Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

amount of space between two points or places


distant place or point


being separated in space or by time


social separation or coldness in personal relations

the property created by the space between two objects or pointsa distant region;

I could see it in the distance

size of the gap between two places;

the distance from New York to Chicago

he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points

indifference by personal withdrawal;

emotional distance

the interval between two times;

the distance from birth to death

it all happened in the space of 10 minutes

a remote point in time;

if that happens it will be at some distance in the future

at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details

keep at a distance;

we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living

go far ahead of;

He outdistanced the other runners

at the distance, from the distance, in the distance

1.at a distance表示在有一定距离的远处; in the distance则是“在远处”的意思; from a distance表示“从远处”。

2.in the distance偶尔还可作定语。

13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的destance;最初源自古典拉丁语的distantia:dis 分开 +staia 站),意为分开站
用作名词 (n.
动词+~calculate distance计算出距离close the distance between缩小…间的差距cover a distance穿过一段距离,横跨一段距离go the distance on foot徒步走这段距离go the full distance走完全程,经过全过程increase the distance扩大距离keep a distance保持距离keep one's distance不亲密,保持疏远keep sb at a distance与某人保持相当距离,对某人疏远,敬而远之measure a distance测量距离reduce the distance缩小距离run a distance跑一段距离walk a distance步行一段距离work out distance计算出距离形容词+~braking distance刹车距离certain distance一定的距离direct distance垂直距离easy distance交通方便的路程good distance长距离great distance长距离long distance长距离quite a distance相当远的距离safe distance安全距离short distance短距离,不远shouting distance听得见喊声的距离stopping distance刹车距离walking distance走不多远就可达到的距离介词+~far away distance遥远的路途at a distance有相当距离,不很近at some distance在一定距离at this distance of time在如此长久的时间by distance按里程from a distance从远处in the distance远处within a stone's throw distance近处within measurable distance of success成功指日可待within walking distance很近~+介词the distance between…之间的距离the distance between cars车距the distance between New York and London纽约和伦敦之间的距离the distance between two objects两个物体间的距离the distance between wealth and poverty贫富间的悬殊the distance from east to west从东到西的距离the distance of five kilometres五公里之遥the distance of the sun from the earth太阳到地球间的距离
用作名词n.go the distance

继续跑完全程,赛足全局等 continue to run, fight, etc. until the end of a contest

keep at a distance

与某人保持一段距离 refuse to let sb become familiar or friendly

keep sb at a distanceIt was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.要了解她很难,她老是对每个人都保持一段距离。
The captain kept his crew at a distance.船长对他的船员保持疏远。keep one's distance from

对人或事业等冷淡 not become friendly or familiar with (a person, cause, etc.)

近义词 way路out出come来void空的span时期shut关闭space空间reach到达avoid避免range范围length长度ignore忽视flight飞行coolness冷extent 广度reserve保留detach使分离vastness巨大coldness寒冷outstrip超过aloofness远离move away搬开disengage解除restraint克制remoteness远离dissociate分离separate分开的detachment冷漠shut out关在外面between在 … 之间expanse宽阔的区域outdistance 远远超过come between 在 … 中间
用作名词n.Walk on a short distance and there you are.再往前走不了多远,你就到了。
It takes strength and attention to drive a truck long distances.跑长途的汽车司机需要付出劳力,思想也要高度集中。
This is the point, from which all distances are measured.从这一点开始来测量各方面的距离。
Our destination is still some distance away .我们的目的地离这里还有一段路程。
The station is a good distance off.车站离这儿很远。
It's some distance to the shopping centre.到购物中心相当远。
It's no distance to the post office at all.到邮局很近。
We have quite a distance to walk.我们要走相当远的路程。
I was born in a town quite a distance from here.我出生在离这儿很远的镇上。
In England and America distance is measured in miles, not in kilometres.在英美,测量距离用英里作单位,不用公里。
Keep a safe distance between cars.车与车之间要保持安全的距离。
You can see the mountains in the distance.你可以看见远处的山。
I spotted something dark in the distance.我望见远方有个黑黑的东西。
We heard gunfire in the distance.我们听到远处的枪声。
A ship could be seen in the distance.远处可以看到一艘船。
Look ahead in the distance, you can just see the lights of the village.你若向前方远处看,你就能看见村里的灯光。
The balloon still can be seen in the distance.这个大气球在远处仍能看见。
In the distance loomed a towering mountain.在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见。
I live a short distance from school.我家离学校不远。
We can see the mountain from a distance.我们从远处就可以望见重重山峦。
The picture looks better from a distance.从远处看,这幅画显得更好看一些。
From a distance the child heard a woman's scream.从很远的距离这孩子就听见了女人的尖叫声。
Oil paintings are to be appreciated at a distance.油画要在一定的距离外欣赏。
Your dress looks all right at a distance.你的衣服远看不错。
The radar system can detect other planes at great distances and send a variety of radar-guided missiles to destroy them.雷达能够探测出离它很远的飞机,并发射出各种由雷达制导的导弹把飞机摧毁掉。
He won't hit the target at that distance.他打不中那样远的目标。
We planted the trees at a certain distance from each other.我们植树时,株与株之间留出一定的间隔。
We can see the mountain at a distance of three kilometres.我们在3公里处看到了那座山。
What is the distance between these two cities?这两个城市相距有多远?
The living quarters for the workers are within walking distance of the factory.工人住宅区离工厂很近,步行可以走到。
My house is within walking distance of the school.我的房子和学校在步行可及的距离内。
There are three supermarkets within walking distance in this town.这个镇上有三个超市,很近,步行就可到达。
The school is in easy walking distance.学校很近,步行就可到达。
There was some distance between them at their last meeting.他们上次见面彼此就有些疏远了。
They have always kept their distance from the neighbours.他们很少接近左邻右舍。
We haven't heard from him at this distance of time.在这样长的时间里,我们还没有接到他的信。
At this distance of time,I can't guarantee that I haven't omitted anything in recounting the event.由于年代久远,我不能保证追述这个事件中没有任何遗漏。
Things look different at a distance of 10 years.时隔10年,情况不同了。


distance前可加冠词,有great, enormous, all, long等定语修饰时,常用复数形式distances。

in the distance指“在远方,远方的”,表示耳、目所及的地方。some distance, a good distance, quite a distance和a great distance都表示“相当远”“很长一段时间”“有相当一段距离”。in〔within〕 easy walking distance表示“在步行可到达的范围之内”。


用作名词He judged thedistanceto a nicety.他判断距离很正确。
My house is four milesdistancefrom the sea.我家离海四英里。
We can see a windmill in thedistance.我们可以望见远处有架风车。
A lighthouse was winking in the fardistance.一座灯塔正在远处闪烁。用作及物动词A more appropriate stance would be for the leader todistanceitself from the com-petitors.作为领导者,一个较正确的姿态是在自己和对手之间,拉开距离 。
Interestingly, there are several reasons why it is so important todistanceoneself from the rest.有趣的是,一定要拉开和其他人的距离,背后有很多原因。as in.dissociation
同义词 break,disconnection,disengagement,disjunction,disunion,division,divorce,isolation,segregation,severance
反义词 junctureassociation,attachment,connection,union
dissociationnoun detachment, separation
break,disconnection,disengagement,disjunction,disunion,division,divorce,isolation,segregation,severance At the same time, the country has also taken a number of“ social distancing” measures.
与此同时,墨西哥也在采取一些“扩大社交距离”的措施。 worldbank

In other words, psychological distancing makes us see the forest rather than the individual trees.
换句话说心理距离让我们看到整片森林而不只是一棵大树。 yeeyan

All this is dragging central banks back towards political turf from which they had been distancing themselves for years.
所有这些将把各国央行重新拖回它们多年来一直竭力疏远的政治地盘。 ecocn

But more than that, the phrase is a wink-wink attempt at distancing oneself from the dirtiness of this town.
但不止那样,人们用这个短语是试图以闪烁其辞的方式远离这个城市的污秽。 ecocn

But the good news is that once we understand distancing, we can prevent future problems by taking steps to build an intimate friendship that lasts a lifetime.
但好消息是一旦我们认识到疏远,便可以通过逐步建立一种持续终生的亲密关系来防止未来的问题。 yeeyan

By pausing, we begin to dismantle lifelong patterns of avoiding or distancing.
通过暂停,我们开始消除长久以来逃避和疏远的旧模式。 yeeyan

Ego consciousness does not succeed in representing, distancing or even suspending the network of its own conditions.

Simplicity did not affect the friends' sense of status because, by distancing themselves from the values of Athens, they had ceased to judge themselves on a material basis.
生活简朴并不妨碍朋友们感到自己是有地位的人,因为他们同雅典世俗的价值观拉开距离,不以物质标准衡量自己。 hjenglish

Some critics of social robots worry that the time spent with such devices could supplant interactions with real people, further distancing impaired people from society.
一些社交机器人批评家担心,人们将时间花费在这种机器身上,会取代与真人的交流,这将进一步拉大问题人群同社会的联系。 yeeyan

Some Republicans, meanwhile, are distancing themselves from the president.
一些共和党人同时在将自己与布什拉开距离。 ecocn

Sure, John Boehner and Co. have spent the past few months distancing themselves from their former boss and pledging allegiance to a frugal, small- government philosophy.
当然,约翰·博纳和公司已经耗费了几个月疏远他们和前任老板之间的关系,并保证对一种节俭而小型政府观念的维护。 yeeyan

The main effect may be“ social distancing”: masks scare people away from one another.
口罩的主要作用可能是产生“社会距离”:口罩产生的恐慌心理使人们彼此疏远。 yeeyan

The other charities she supported also seem to be distancing themselves.
她支持的其他慈善事业,似乎对她也尽而远之。 yeeyan

These types of gamblers exhibit high levels of harm avoidance, social distancing and alcohol abuse.
这种赌徒表现出高度的避免伤害,远离社会和滥用酒精。 yeeyan

Those who feel others expect them to be perfect might also experience declines in health as a result of distancing themselves from other people, and any support from friends and family.
那些感觉别人期望他们完美的人可能会经历健康状况的衰退,因为他们远离其他人,朋友及家人的支持。 yeeyan




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