

单词 dissolves
释义 dis·solve·s 英dɪ'zɒlv美dɪ'zɑːlv COCA²²¹⁵⁵BNC²²²⁵⁵Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
vt. & vi. 使溶解

cause to dissolve

vt. & vi. 结束

bring to an end

film a gradual transition from one scene to the next; the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out
become weaker;

The sound faded out

cause to go into a solution;

The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water

come to an end;

Their marriage dissolved

The tobacco monopoly broke up

stop functioning or cohering as a unit;

The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting

cause to lose control emotionally;

The news dissolved her into tears

lose control emotionally;

She dissolved into tears when she heard that she had lost all her savings in the pyramid scheme

cause to fade away;

dissolve a shot or a picture

pass into a solution;

The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee

become or cause to become soft or liquid;

The sun melted the ice

the ice thawed

the ice cream melted

The heat melted the wax

The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase

dethaw the meat

bring the association of to an end or cause to break up;

The decree officially dissolved the marriage

the judge dissolved the tobacco company

declare void;

The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections

dissolve, melt, thaw

这组词都可表示“融化”“溶解”。它们之间的区别是:melt指由于热的影响而使某一固体软化,失去形状而成为液体,也可指一固体在液体中溶解; thaw指冰冻的东西解冻成液体或柔软的固体; dissolve则多指固体在液体中溶解。






用作动词 v.
~+名词dissolve Parliament解散议会dissolve partnership散伙dissolve salt in water把盐溶在水里dissolve the tablet溶化药片~+副词dissolve completely深深感动dissolve easily容易溶解dissolve entirely〔perfectly〕完全溶解dissolve partly部分溶解dissolve rapidly迅速破灭dissolve thoroughly彻底结束~+介词dissolve by pleasure沉浸在快乐之中dissolve in the dusk在暮色中消失dissolve in grief悲痛得不能自拔dissolve in tears某人两眼充满了泪水dissolve in water溶解于水dissolve into使溶化成,使分解成,消失dissolve into the darkness消失在黑暗中dissolve into hydrogen and oxygen水分解为氢和氧dissolve into smaller units分成几个较小的单位dissolve into water冰溶解成水
dissolve away v.+adv.

消失; 消散 disappear; fade away

dissolve awayThe dream picture dissolved away when she woke up.她醒来时,梦中美景立即消失了。
dissolve in v.+prep.

因…失去控制 lose the control under the influence of sth

dissolve in sthBoth salt and sugar dissolve easily in water.盐和糖都容易溶解于水。dissolve sth in sthShe dissolved the sugar in the tea.她把糖溶在茶里。
Dissolve the chemical in this special liquid.将这些化学物质溶解在特殊的溶液中。
Dissolve the washing powder in hot water before adding the clothes.在放入衣服前先将洗衣粉溶解在热水中。dissolve in sthThe beautiful autumn view dissolved in the morning mist.美丽的秋色消失在晨雾中。
The balloons dissolved high in the sky.气球在高空中渐渐消失。dissolve in sthThe group dissolved in dissension.那个团体因内部不和而解散。
Her mother dissolved in grief.她母亲悲痛万分。
They dissolved in pleasure.他们快乐得神魂颠倒。
dissolve in tears v.+prep.+n.

使痛哭流涕 (cause to weep freely)

dissolve into v.+prep.

电影及电视画面渐渐化入另一个画面( in film and television cause to fade into the next scene)

dissolve into sthSnow dissolves into water.雪融化成水。
Left out in the sun, the jelly dissolved into a pool of melted fruit juice.由于暴露在阳光下,果冻溶化成一摊果汁了。dissolve sth into sthWater was dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.水被分解为氢和氧。
The company was dissolved into smaller units .那公司被分成几个较小的单位。dissolve into sthThe picture then dissolved into a view of the house from the outside.接着渐渐化为房子的外景。
Seeing the toy panda, the kids dissolved into laughter.看到熊猫玩具,孩子们转而笑了。dissolve sth into sthWe'll dissolve this scene into one where the murderer enters the house.我们将把这个镜头渐渐化为杀人犯走进屋子的场面。
dissolve into tears v.+prep.+n.

痛哭流涕 start weeping freely

近义词 run跑end结束close关melt融化thaw融雪rust铁锈away离开pass通过cease终止dispel驱散fuse保险丝liquefy液化disband解散suspend暂停resolve解决dismiss开除fade逐渐消失liberate解放unthaw使融化unfreeze溶化fade out淡出disappear消失dissipate驱散evaporate蒸发pass away逝世adjourn使延期soften使变柔和melt away使融化fade away逐渐消失break up结束,散会反义词 convoke召集会议
S+~+AThe campaign dissolved.这场运动结束了。
Their marriage dissolved.他们的婚约解除了。
The tension between those two countries dissolved.那两个国家间的紧张状态解除了。
His prospects for winning the election were dissolving rapidly.他当选的希望正在迅速破灭。
Their fears dissolved with the coming of day.天一亮他们的恐惧便消失了。
S+~+ n./pron.Water dissolves salt.水溶解盐。
The sun dissolves snow.太阳使雪融化。
The warm water dissolved the tablet in a few minutes.温水几分钟便溶化了药片。
The heat dissolved the candles.热使蜡烛溶化了。
The cream dissolves facial hair.这种乳膏可除去面部的汗毛。
The military government dissolved the country's parliament and suspended all political activity.军政府解散了该国的议会,并中止一切政治活动。
The Queen dissolved Parliament.女王解散了议会。
They dissolved their marriage.他们结束了他们的婚姻。
She never saw him again after their marriage was dissolved.自从他们的婚姻破裂以后,她再也没见到他。
Religious organization were dissolved, their property seized to the State.宗教团体被解散,其财产由国家没收。其他On October 26, the Convention declared itself dissolved.十月二十六日,代表大会宣布解散。

dissolve的基本意思是“溶解”,引申可作“消失; 结束”解。



The parliament wasdissolved.议会解散了。
As president, he candissolveparliament on a whim.作为总统,他可以随意解散议会。
Plasmin is the main protease to break down anddissolvethrombus.胞浆素是消除和分解血栓的主要蛋白酶。
Its object is, and its result must be, todissolvewrath by the study of antagonisms.它的目标,它应有的效果,是从研究敌对的动机中消除愤怒。
Can it notdissolveand bind all ties?它难道不能够解开和系紧任何纽带吗?用作不及物动词Icedissolvedin the warm weather.冰在温暖的天气中溶化了。
Both salt and sugardissolveeasily .盐和糖均易溶解。
Both of the substances do notdissolvein water.不是两种物质都溶于水。
Today, the Crab Nebula is still expanding and it will eventuallydissolvein the interstellar gas cloud nearby.蟹状星云仍然在膨胀最终会溶入星际物质而消散。
All of these willdissolveinto nothingness.这一切将不存在。 When carbon dioxide dissolves in water it forms carbonic acid.
二氧化碳在水中溶解后会形成碳酸。 ecocn

As this nano- silicon dissolves in the body, it would release drugs to combat diseases.
当这个纳米硅在身体内溶解时,它就能够释放出用于治疗疾病的药物。 kekenet

But there’s obviously a compound in tomatoes that alcohol dissolves and pulls out into the sauce.
但是明显番茄中的化合物溶解于酒精后进入了汁液中。 yeeyan

Effects include dissolves, mirror image, sepia, iris effects, fades, TV- shop and many more.
效果包括溶解、镜像、老照片、虹膜效果、淡化、电视购物等等。 yeeyan

Heat shrinks the plant cells and transforms molecules in the cell walls into pectin, which dissolves.
高温使植物细胞收缩,并且使细胞壁中的分子变成胶质而溶解。 yeeyan

It dissolves existing post inflammatory scars and also fills in depressed scarring.
它能溶解已有的炎症后的疤痕,填充凹陷瘢痕。 yeeyan

Keep adding more and more sugar, each time stirring it until it dissolves, until no more will dissolve.
接着再加更多的砂糖,每次都把它搅拌至溶解,直至所有的都溶解了。 yeeyan

Once the sugar dissolves, add the chocolate and melt it.
糖溶解后,立刻加入巧克力并使它融化。 yeeyan

Salt dissolves very easily in water, forming strong chemical bonds, and those bonds are difficult to break.
盐很容易溶解于水,形成强有力的化学键,而这些键又不容易打破。 yeeyan

Stir often to melt the sugar and when it completely dissolves, take the sugar water off the stove to cool for about15 minutes.
不断搅拌直到糖完全溶解,随后把糖水从火上取下,放15分钟晾凉。 douban

The bladder is then implanted into a patient, where the scaffold gradually dissolves.
之后,这个膀胱被移植到病人身上,支架会逐渐分解。 oobang

The cells produce a protein structure shaped like the plastic tube, which dissolves.
这些细胞产生出和塑料管同样形状的蛋白结构,而塑料管则分解了。 kekenet

The chemical dissolves into its constituent parts when heated.

This mixture dissolves readily in diesel fuel and binds water to it without any need for stirring.
这种混合物能够迅速地溶解于柴油,并将水与柴油牢固结合而无需任何起始阶段。 ecocn

Water dissolves salt.
水溶解盐。 hxen

When you contemplate it, you will find that it dissolves into an extremely subtle net of relationships that stretches across the universe.
仔细思考,发现它能分解成无数微细的关系网,延伸向整个宇宙。 jukuu

When you shake brick, the mortar in between dissolves.
当震动砖块的时候,夹在其中的砂浆就溶解了。 yeeyan

When carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, making it more acidic.
当二氧化碳在海水中溶解,氢离子浓度会增加,使海水变得更酸。 yeeyan

Whisk it over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.
中火搅拌,直到砂糖溶解。 yeeyan




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