

单词 dissipating
释义 dis·si·pate 英'dɪsɪpeɪt美'dɪsɪpeɪt COCA⁵³⁸⁸⁴BNC⁶³³⁸⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. & vi. 驱散; 消失

cause to disperse; go away

vt. 浪费

waste foolishly

to cause to separate and go in different directions;

She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

move away from each other;

The crowds dispersed

The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached

spend frivolously and unwisely;

Fritter away one's inheritance

live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption
dissipate, consume, fritter, squander, waste


waste指任意地挥霍,通常是花费而不见成果; squander的意思比waste强,强调胡乱花费,含有花光而导致贫困的意思; dissipate指因奢侈而丧失东西,犹如随风撒东西一样,强调将存有的东西用光或几乎用光; fritter常和away连用,指一点一点地花费,或花费在不重要的东西上,含有逐渐用光的意思; consume强调吞食或毁坏,但也可指完全浪费或挥霍掉,用于金钱或财产时,指频繁地减少,偶尔用于时间或精力时,指无益地花费。例如:

The council has been squandering the ratepayers' money.市议会一直在挥霍房地产纳税人的金钱。
He dissipated his large fortune in a few years of heavy spending.他在几年的大肆挥霍中把自己一大笔财产都花光了。
She fritters away all her money on clothes and trips to the cinema.她把所有金钱都浪费在穿衣服和看电影上了。
The fire soon consumed the wooden buildings.大火很快就把那些木制建筑物吞没了。
用作动词 v.
~+名词dissipate one's energies浪费精力dissipate one's fortune挥霍财产dissipate the mists驱散大雾副词+~often dissipate常常浪费soon dissipate很快挥霍一空~+副词dissipate abruptly突然驱散dissipate carelessly粗心地驱散dissipate partially部分地驱散dissipate quickly很快散开dissipate thoughtlessly轻率地驱散
dissipate in v.+prep.

因…而挥霍〔浪费〕 waste entirely (fortune, energy, etc. because of sth)

dissipate sth in sthHe often dissipated his energies in trivial matters.他常在无关紧要的小事上浪费精力。
He dissipated the family fortune in only a few years of wild living.他仅仅几年的放荡生活就把家财挥霍尽了。近义词 shell壳blow打击fool傻瓜waste废物spend预算shoot发射dispel驱散spread传播loosen松开scatter散播disperse分散squander浪费fool away浪费dissolve使溶解throw away扔掉spread out伸开foolishly愚蠢地fritter油炸馅饼disintegrate瓦解break up结束,散会drive away把车开走frivol away愚蠢地浪费fritter away浪费时间等)…反义词 accumulate积累
S+~+AWhen it started to rain, the crowd quickly dissipated.刚刚下雨,人群很快就散了。
Gradually the fog dissipated as the sun came up.当太阳渐渐升起时,雾渐渐散去。
Clouds dissipate before the wind.云层在风到来之前消散了。
The doubt dissipated.怀疑消失了。
S+~+ n./pron.He tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window.他打开一扇窗户想把烟驱散。
The sun dissipated the mists.太阳驱散了雾。
The news dissipated my fear.这条消息驱散了我的恐惧。
Don't dissipate your efforts.不要白费劲了。
He soon dissipated his fortune.他不久便把他的财产挥霍光了。
The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.热得用复杂的冷却装置散发。




用作动词The sundissipatedthe mist.太阳驱散了雾。
Her son's letterdissipatedall her fears and anxiety.她儿子的来信消除了她一切恐惧和焦虑。
The crowddissipatedsoon after the police arrived.在警察到达之后,人群很快散去了。
He soondissipatedhis fortune.他很快就把财产浪费光了。
Francisdissipatedhis large fortune inherited from his grandfather in a few years.弗朗西斯在几年里就把他从祖父那里继承下来的一大笔财产挥霍光了。as in.distribution
同义词 circulation,delivery,disposal,dissemination,handling,marketing,sharing,trading,transport,transportationadministration,allotment,apportioning,apportionment,assessment,assigning,dealing,diffusion,dispensation,dispersal,division,dole,mailing,partitionpartitioningpropagation,rationing,scattering,spreadingalloting,circulatingdisposinghanding out,prorating
反义词 hold,keeping,retention,juncture,unitycollection,gathering,hoard,hoarding,maintenance,store
distributionnoun allocation, dispersion
administration,alloting,allotment,apportioning,apportionment,assessment,assigning,circulating,circulation,dealing,delivery,diffusion,dispensation,dispersal,disposaldisposingdissemination,division,dole,handing out,handling,mailing,marketing,partitionpartitioningpropagationproratingrationing,scattering,sharing,spreading,trading,transport,transportation The cloud was dissipating in the blue sky.
蘑菇云在蓝天下消散了。 yeeyan

The looting appeared to be dissipating as police vans were stationed at damage sites.
抢劫行动看起来被驻扎在受损地点的警车驱散。 yeeyan

They are fertile nurseries for many marine species, and also serve as a first line of defense against hurricanes and tsunamis by dissipating wave and wind energy.
红树林是很多海洋生物生殖繁衍的场所,通过驱散海浪和海风能量扮演着抵挡台风和海啸的第一道防线。 yeeyan

After reaching its full height, the smoke stayed stationary for a while before the wind started dissipating it.
在达到其高度的极限时,烟柱维持了一段时间才开始被风吹散。 yeeyan

As chips have shrunk over the years, engineers have struggled with ways of dissipating the heat they create.
因为芯片会在多年以后收缩,工程师们努力驱散他们产生的热量。 hjenglish

But this feeling was an illusion that is rapidly dissipating.
然而,这种感觉也只不过是镜花水月,很快就要消弭殆尽。 yeeyan

But U.S. actions— especially over the past decade— are dissipating many of those precious advantages.
然而,美国的所作所为尤其是在过去的十年间却在大量浪费这种种无比珍贵的优势。 yeeyan

Fear of speaking up is dissipating.
对发表言论的恐惧感正在消退。 ecocn

In theory at least, a memcapacitor could store data without dissipating any energy at all.
理论上来说,记忆电容至少可以不消耗任何能量来储存信息。 yeeyan

Individuals with dark skin have more UV- dissipating capacity.
黑皮肤的人呢,他们消散紫外线的能力更强一些。 yeeyan

Now those light clouds are dissipating, again unveiling the lower dark clouds.
现在那些淡色的云层正在消散,低层的黯淡云层再次显现出来。 yeeyan

Other scientists have suggested that charges dissipating through the ground can create balls of glowing ionised gas above it.
其他科学家提出,电荷导入地面下,会在地面上产生发光的离子气团。 yeeyan

Sweating delays the onset of this critical heat buildup by dissipating the excess heat through evaporation.
而通过汗液蒸发,可以散发多余的热量,从而延缓临界温度的到达。 yeeyan

The key to keeping the photons form dissipating: keep them moving.
保证光子不消失的关键是保证它们一直运动。 yeeyan

Dissipating heat prolongs life span and increases efficiency.
散热延长汽车寿命并提高效率。 yeeyan




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