

单词 dissects
释义 dis·sect·s 英dɪ'sekt美dɪ'sekt COCA⁸⁶⁴⁴³BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
cut open or cut apart;

dissect the bodies for analysis

make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features;

analyze a specimen

analyze a sentence

analyze a chemical compound

近义词 失败毁…cut切发生故障up向上study研究halve平分cut up切碎divide划分analyze分析examine检查analyse分析explore探测dissever割裂break down分解criticize批评anatomize解剖separate分开的take apart拆卸dismember割断手足scrutinize仔细检查dichotomize使分成二部分…

用作动词In biology class we had todissecta frog.上生物课时我们得解剖青蛙。
In spite of this some brave scientists diddissectbodies.尽管如此,一些勇敢的科学家仍坚持解剖人体。“ The construction of highways at nature reserves permanently dissects the panda's habitat, obstructing migration, mating and healthy gene exchange, ” Mr Fan said.
范志勇说:“在自然保护区修建公路,这永久性地破坏了大熊猫的栖息环境,阻碍它们迁徙、交配以及健康的基因交换。” iciba

“The Arch and the Butterfly” by Mohammed Achaari of Morocco dissects a corrupt society that has failed its young, as a father learns his son has died as an al- Qaeda suicide- bomber.
书中主人公是一位父亲,他得悉儿子作为基地组织的人肉炸弹死去。 小说通过此事,解剖了腐败的社会如何让年轻人失望。 ecocn

At times the clinical manner in which she dissects her family’s failings and pathologies seems a bit harsh.
有时候,她冷静剖析自己家庭缺点及其原因的方式似乎有些苛刻。 yeeyan

Focusing on a series of anecdotes about private transactions involving objects in gardens, the author dissects the intricate nexus between the exchange of poetry and the poetry of exchange.
藉由聚焦在一连串关于亭园中涉及物品之私人互动的轶事,作者剖析出诗文之互赠,与互赠之诗文两者间纠缠的连结。 iciba

The third part deeply dissects the root of blog- ethics problems from four aspects.
第三部分从四个方面深刻剖析了博客网络伦理问题产生的根源; boshuo

The process of fabrication is celebrated: the viewer simultaneously appreciates and dissects.
这个过程是这样的:观众一边欣赏电影一边对它进行解析。 eblcu

This school with its false depth, all on the surface, which dissects effects without going back to first causes, chides from its height of a demi- science, the agitation of the public square.
这个学派,貌似精深,实是浅薄,它只细查效果,不问起因,从一种半科学的高度它责骂公共广场上的骚动。 ebigear

This section dissects various modules that come together to form this scenario.
本节描述组成这个场景的各个模块。 ibm

dissects the crisis and proposes practical, but“ not perfect” solutions.
仔细分析了这场危机和提出可行方案,但并不是完美的解决方法。 ecocn




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