

单词 displacements
释义 displacements 英dɪsp'leɪsmənts美dɪsp'leɪsmənts COCA⁴²⁹³²BNC³⁴²²⁰
名词 displacement:
act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tacticsan event in which something is displaced without rotationthe act of uniform movementchemistry a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compoundpsychiatry a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable oneto move something from its natural environmentact of removing from office or employmentThe releases introduce inconsistencies indisplacements.放松会引起位移的不相容性。
So thehorizontaldisplacementsof a dam are normal as a whole.因此,大坝水平位移变化总体上正常。 China's Ministry of Commerce Saturday issued a preliminary ruling saying the US had dumped sedans and cross-country vehicles with engine displacements of2.5 liters and above on the Chinese market.
商务部2日称,初步裁定原产于美国的排气量在2.5升以上的部分进口小轿车和越野车存在倾销行为。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The resonant response of displacements and strain are obtained.
文中给出了位移和应变的响应历程。 cnki

These are developed by the constraint of displacements of a structure.
二次应力是由构件的位移约束引起的。 pipingsoft

Aid agencies fear that thousands more civilian deaths and displacements could occur if the operation goes ahead.
但援助机构担心,如果战争爆发,千千万万的平民将面临死亡和背井离乡的威胁。 ecocn

Based on the fact that the PEM solves the root-mean-square displacements of the structure directly, the formulas for the equivalent static wind load and the corresponding wind fluttering factor in te.
根据虚拟激励法直接求解出位移均方根的特点,推导了适用于多振型参振的脉动风等效静力荷载及相应的荷载风振系数计算公式。 dictall

IOM notes security in many parts of the country is improving and new displacements are decreasing.
国际移民组织的报告指出,伊拉克许多地区的治安状况正在改善,新的流离失所问题在减少。 kekenet

Smallpox fighters had to contend with war zones, vast population displacements, religious and cultural beliefs, fetishes, and traditional healers with their tin boxes of smallpox scabs.
根除天花的战士们必须面对的,是战区、大规模流离失所人口、宗教和文化信仰、原始拜物教,还有手持装有天花痘痂的锡盒的巫医。 who

The stress field and displacements outside the damage area are calculated according to the anisotropic fracture formula.
损伤区外部的应力场和位移场可按正交各向异性断裂力学公式来计算。 cnki

The transmission of N. meningitidis is facilitated by overcrowded housing at family level and by large population displacements due to pilgrimages and traditional markets at regional level.
由于家庭层次过度拥挤的住房以及地区层次朝圣和传统市场造成大量人口流离失所,推动了脑膜炎奈瑟菌的传播。 who

While some displacements may be shortlived, others can take years and even decades to resolve.
虽然有些流离失所现象可能是短暂的,但其他可能耗时几年甚至几十年才能解决。 yeeyan

Displacements in each construction step of the excavation in opposite directions are also determined.
同时对相向同步开挖的各施工步进行了位移分析。 cnki




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