

单词 dispels
释义 dis·pel·s 英dɪ'spel美dɪ'spel COCA⁶⁷⁷⁶³BNC⁵⁶⁵⁹³
force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings;

Drive away potential burglars

drive away bad thoughts

dispel doubts

The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers

to cause to separate and go in different directions;

She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

inducing diaphoresis to dispel wind解表祛风
近义词 oust逐出away离开drive开车scatter散播dismiss开除run off逃跑disperse分散dissipate驱散drive out逐出turn back折回drive off驱散break up结束,散会chase away赶走, 驱逐drive away把车开走

用作动词It is the task of a fighter todispeldarkness.驱散黑暗,这是战士的任务。
Nothing coulddispelthe torpidity of the indifferent audience.任何东西都无法驱散那些冷漠观众的困倦。
I thought,if I had caused the cloud,it was my duty to make an effort todispelit.我想,如果是我引起了这块乌云,那我就该负责努力驱散它。
The wind soondispelledthe fog.风很快就把雾吹散了。
We are trying todispelhis doubts.我们正试图消除他的疑虑。verb.drive away thought, belief
同义词 allay,chase away,dismiss,disperse,dissipate,eliminate,resolvebanish,cancel,crumble,deploy,disband,disintegrate,distribute,eject,expel,oust,repel,rout,scatter,scramblebeat off,break it up,break up,bust up,split up
反义词 accept,collect,gather,keep,welcome,allow,hold,permit,take inaccumulate,garner,recall STEP- NC relates design information and manufacturing information of the products in the form of oriented object, dispels the information flow bottleneck between CAX and CNC.
NC以面向对象的形式将产品的设计信息与制造信息联系起来,消除 CAX与 CNC之间的信息流瓶颈。 cnki

By doing this, the Priest on your team has such an easy time healing, he can get Mana Burns, early Dispels, etc.
如果做到这一点,你们队伍里面的牧师将会比较舒服,可以轻松的法力燃烧,轻松的驱散等等。 ngacn

In her dissection of the controversy, she nimbly dispels a string of falsehoods and misperceptions.
在她的论战解剖中,敏捷地驱除了一系列谎言和错误理解。 ecocn

It engages listeners and dispels tension, aggression and competition by putting people at ease.
它是听话人专注,让人感觉轻松自然,从而消除紧张,敌意和竞争的气氛。 yeeyan

It dispels the notion that the plants are impervious.
这样一来,认为这里的核电站不受影响的念头打消了。 yeeyan

Other nice things about lithium in your soda, it dispels hangovers, takes the ouch out of grouch.
汽水中的锂还有其他好处,它能消除宿醉,能缓解烦闷的情绪。 v.163.com

Seeing dispels the illusion of victory, or defeat, or suffering.
看见驱散了胜利或失败或受苦的虚幻。 www.360doc.com

Smoke dispels the effects of the gas to some degree.
烟能在一定程度上消除瓦斯的影响。 yeeyan

This is what matters: to have that energy that dispels the carrying over of the past.
这是真正重要的事情:拥有能驱散过去的重负的能量。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

Dispels all negative effects affecting Movement, Initiative, Morale and Might Damage from all friendly creatures.
驱散所有部队身上全部与移动力,主动,士气和物理伤害相关的负面状态。 heroworld




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