

单词 dispatchers
释义 dispatchers 英dɪs'pætʃəz美dɪs'pætʃəz COCA⁴⁴⁷⁵⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
名词 dispatcher:
the official who signals the beginning of a race or competitionemployee of a transportation company who controls the departures of vehicles according to weather conditions and in the interest of efficient serviceThreedispatcherswere scanning cathode ray tube displays for information.三名调度员正在研究阴极射线管所显示的情报。
Emergencydispatchersshould really start screening calls from the golden arches.紧急求救电话调度员实在应该开始过滤金门地区的电话。as in.courier
同义词 bearer,carrier,emissary,envoy,express,go-between,gofer,gopher,herald,internuncio,runnerintelligencer
反义词 receiver,senderas in.messenger
同义词 courier,emissary,go-between,mediator,prophetagent,ambassador,bearer,carrier,commissionaire,crier,delegate,detachment,detail,envoy,forerunner,gofer,harbinger,herald,intermediary,minister,post,precursor,runner,schlepperdelivery person,errand person,flag-bearer
反义词 receiver
couriernoun messenger
messengernoun person carrying information to another
agent,ambassador,bearer,carrier,commissionaire,courier,crier,delegate,delivery person,detachment,detail,dispatcher,emissary,envoy,errand person,flag-bearer,forerunner,go-between,gofer,harbinger,herald,intermediary,mediator,minister,post,precursor,prophet,runner,schlepper An audit of the current state of a server and related dispatchers.
对服务器及相关调度程序的当前状态的审计。 ibm

The Scorecard pane indicates which servers, dispatchers, and services are available and allows for administrative tasks such as starting and stopping the service or setting properties.
窗格指出哪些服务器、调度程序和服务可用,且支持这样的管理任务,比如启动和停止服务或设置属性。 ibm

“That's taking up valuable time from dispatchers who could be taking true emergency calls, ” he said.
他说:“这会占用派遣员的宝贵时间,真正的紧急呼叫电话可能会因此打不进来。” ebigear

A Status Audit option that determines if the audit should record the configuration information of dispatchers.
一个状态审计选项,用来决定审计是否记录调度程序的配置信息。 ibm

But the dispatchers thought the call was a prank.
但在底特律的接线调派员们认为这个电话是恶作剧。 yeeyan

By default when the system is installed, no explicit Server Group setting is defined for Dispatchers.
默认情况下,当系统被安装时,不会为 Dispatchers定义任何显式 Server Group设置。 ibm

By using folders one can apply properties to multiple Dispatchers at once.
通过使用文件夹,可以一次将属性应用到多个 Dispatchers。 ibm

Doing so is inexpensive in memory and CPU resources, so there is no significant penalty for cloning dispatchers.
这样做不是很耗内存和 CPU资源,因此克隆分派器并不会付出很大代价。 ibm

It's important to note that ALL dispatchers in a system must use the same mode otherwise routing might conflict and the product won't work as expected.
需要特别注意的是,一个系统中的所有调度程序都必须使用相同的模式,否则路由可能出现冲突,该产品无法正常工作。 ibm

Results of simple network tests on dispatchers.
对调度程序进行的简单网络测试的结果。 ibm

Those were Maxine Sedillo's first words to police dispatchers Sunday night.
这是星期天傍晚麦卡西塞蒂洛对警察调度员说的第一句话。 cri

Dispatchers will inherit property values from the parent object, like a folder, by default.
默认情况下, Dispatchers将从父对象集成属性值,就像一个文件夹一样。 ibm




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