

单词 disown
释义 dis·own 英dɪsˈəʊn美dɪsˈonAHDdĭs-ōnʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高TGCOCA³⁴³²⁷BNC⁴¹⁷⁷⁷iWeb²⁶⁵³²Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
prevent deliberately as by making a will from inheritingcast off;

She renounced her husband

The parents repudiated their son

dis-分|散开-ownn.自己的⇒v.否认⁸⁴;声明同…脱离关系¹⁶近义词 deny否认scorn轻蔑reject拒绝disclaim放弃repudiate拒绝rebuff断然拒绝spurn轻蔑地拒绝renounce声明放弃disinherit剥夺 … 继承权…turn your back on掉转脸去不理睬拒绝帮助…反义词 own自己的

用作动词Tomdisownedthe letter.汤姆否认这封信是他写的。
I intend to look at my darkness rather than attempt todisownit.我意愿直面我的黑暗,而不是试图否认它。
The fatherdisownedhis heirs.父亲剥夺了自己继承人的继承资格。
If you behave like that in front of my friends again, I'lldisownyou!你要是再当着我朋友的面那样做,我就和你一刀两断!verb.(refuse to acknowledge
同义词 disavow,discard,disclaim,renounce,repudiate,retractabandon,abjure,abnegate,deny,disallow,rejectcast off,disacknowledge,divorce oneself from,refuse to recognize
反义词 admit,allow,approveaccept,acknowledge,avow,claim
abandonverb leave in troubled state
back out,desert,forsake,jilt,leave,leave behind,quit,reject,renounce,throw over,walk out on
brush aside/brush offverb ignore;refuse
boycott,cold-shoulder,contradict,cut,deny,disclaim,dismiss,disown,disregard,get rid of,have no time for,ostracize,override,rebuff,reject,repudiate,scorn,send away,slight,snub,spurn,sweep aside
brush offverb ignore
boycott,brush aside,cold-shoulder,contradict,cut,deny,disclaim,dismiss,disown,disregard,ostracize,override,rebuff,refuse,reject,repudiate,scorn,send away,slight,snub,spurn,sweep aside
brushed asideverb ignore;refuse
boycotted,cold-shouldered,contradicted,cut,denied,disclaimed,dismissed,disowned,disregarded,get rid of,had no time for,ostracized,overrode,rebuffed,rejected,repudiated,scorned,sent away,slighted,snubbed,spurned,swept aside
brushed offverb ignore
boycotted,cold-shouldered,contradicted,cut,denied,disclaimed,dismissed,disowned,disregarded,get rid of,had no time for,ostracized,overrode,rebuffed,rejected,repudiated,scorned,sent away,slighted,snubbed,spurned,swept aside
brushes asideverb ignore;refuse
boycotts,cold-shoulders,contradicts,cuts,denies,disclaims,dismisses,disowns,disregards,get rids of,has no time for,ostracizes,overrides,rebuffs,rejects,repudiates,scorns,sends away,slights,snubs,spurns,sweeps aside The grandeur of democracy is to disown nothing and to deny nothing of humanity.
民主的伟大便是什么也不否认,对人类什么也不放弃。 ebigear

You don't have to disown them completely but just stay away from them during this period.
但并不需要和朋友完全断交,在这段戒酒的非常时期和他们保持距离就可以了。 transcn

Because they disown these parts of themselves. their children picked them up and act on them instinctively.
因为他们抛弃了自己本性中的这些部分,孩子就本能地捡起来并实行之。 tianya

But Peter insisted emphatically, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.”
彼得却极力的说,我就是必须和你同死,也总不能不认你。 blog.sina.com.cn

But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.
凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前,也必不认他。 ebigear

But I will not and cannot disown it.

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community.
我无法不认黑人社区,我也就无法不认他。 yeeyan

I intend to look at my darkness rather than attempt to disown it.
我意愿直面俺滴黑暗,而不是试图否认它。 kekenet

I disown u.
我不认你。 shnosbbs

Managers may disown their part in the appraisal system.
管理者也许会否认在业绩排名系统里面的角色。 blog.sina.com.cn

My parents disown me.
我的父母不认我。 youeredu

The cluster node showing this log entry will disown the floating resource.
显示此日志条目的集群节点认为自己不具有浮动资源。 ibm

To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with; disown.
否认,拒绝否认或拒绝任何要求或关联;断绝关系。 hotdic




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