separate the limbs from the body;the tiger dismembered the tourist
divide into pieces;our department was dismembered when our funding dried up
The Empire was discerped after the war
近义词 cut切limb肢体cut up切碎maim使伤残dissect解剖cripple跛者joint联合的discerp分开amputate切断lacerate撕裂tear apart撕开take apart拆卸disjoint使脱节cut into pieces切碎skeletonize使成骸骨mutilate切断手足等…disable使 … 失去能力…disarticulate使关节脱落off表示状态的关闭或离开…a英语字母表的第一个字母…
The scene the horror film where the cannibalsdismemberedthe missionary left me with my hair standing on end.在那部恐怖电影中,食人者肢解那传教士的镜头使我毛骨悚然。
The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk.在一只大箱子里发现了受害者遭肢解的躯体。