

单词 disintegrates
释义 dis·in·te·grate·s 英dɪs'ɪntɪɡreɪt美dɪs'ɪntɪɡreɪt COCA⁴⁹⁰⁸⁰BNC⁴⁹⁸⁴⁴
break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity;

The material disintegrated

the group disintegrated after the leader died

cause to undergo fission or lose particleslose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current;

the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process

近义词 up向上rot腐烂mold模式break打碎erode腐蚀split分裂loosen松开crumble崩溃addle使腐坏fragment碎片decay使衰退breakdown崩溃separate分开的degenerate退化deteriorate恶化break up结束,散会collapse使倒塌decompose分解,拆分,拆解…反义词 integrate整合

用作不及物动词The alliance will soondisintegrateunless something is done to pull it together.这个联盟会很快瓦解,除非采取措施加强它的团结。
Their marriage rapidlydisintegrated.他们的婚姻迅速破裂了。
The family is starting todisintegrate.这个家庭要破裂了。
The plane flew into a mountain anddisintegratedon impact.飞机冲向一座山,撞得粉碎。 After the former Soviet Union disintegrates, “ pirate flag”, but near drifts strictly funds pressure.
前苏联解体后,“海盗旗”而临严霏的经费压力。 www.qdcs5.com

And when most of the stitches fray, the fabric disintegrates.
而当大部分的针脚都破了时,这块布料也就完全解体了。 www.fanyi7.com

As soon as it disintegrates and disappears, no more impediments re main.
一旦它分解消失, 就不再有障碍了。 fjnet

Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations.
怀疑使人分裂,它是瓦解友谊以及破坏人际关系的毒药。 douban

Once the coating is consumed, the unprotected thin sheet steel disintegrates in a few years.
一旦镀锌表皮失效,那么薄薄的钢板便失去了保护,几年之内就会开裂。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once it finally disintegrates, so too does the personal perspective.
一旦它最后崩溃,个人视角也破除了。 fjnet

Shanganning Basin is a large inland sedimentary basin independently formed after Huabei platform disintegrates.
陕甘宁盆地是华北地台解体后独立形成的大型内陆沉积盆地。 cnki

Similarly with the political leader; remove his myth and you will see how soon he sinks, he disintegrates.
类似地,政治领导人,拿走他们的迷信,你会看到他们快速沉沦、解体。 douban

Then the second thing that disintegrates us very much more is the idea that we are to here to live in a gross way.
还有第二件严重分裂我们的是我们将在这儿过一种粗糙的生活的。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the collectivization maintains with more and more difficulty, the feminization emerges, which further disintegrates the collectivization consequently.
水利的集体制越来越难以维系,家庭化的兴起进一步瓦解了集体制; www.reform.net.cn

You stop thinking about stuff. There is no past, present or future. It all disintegrates.
你会忘记你的身体,没有过去,现在和未来,所有的都分解了。 bandao




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