

单词 dish
释义 dish 英dɪʃ美dɪʃAHDdĭsh ★★★☆☆中高I牛4研四COCA²²⁶⁶BNC⁴⁸⁵¹iWeb¹⁹⁷⁴Economist⁹⁷⁹⁶


container for holding or serving food usually shallow and flat-bottomed


food, etc. served in the container


plates, bowls, cups, etc. used for a meal; crockery


physically attractive person

vt. 盛于碟盘中; 分发,提供

put the food for a meal into dishes, ready to be eaten; serve out to several people

vt. 使某人的希望破灭,破坏某人的机会,使某人不能成功

ruin sb's hopes or chances; prevent sb from succeeding

a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food;

we gave them a set of dishes for a wedding present

a particular item of prepared food;

she prepared a special dish for dinner

the quantity that a dish will hold;

they served me a dish of rice

a very attractive or seductive looking womandirectional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiationan activity that you like or at which you are superior;

chemistry is not my cup of tea

his bag now is learning to play golf

marriage was scarcely his dish

provide usually but not necessarily food;

We serve meals for the homeless

She dished out the soup at 8 P.M.

The entertainers served up a lively show

make concave; shape like a dish
dish, plate, platter


dish可泛指就餐时所用的餐具,包括盘、碟、碗、杯、刀、叉等,特指较深的盘子; plate指较平的盘子、碟子,可用以盛汤,也可用以装菜; platter指椭圆形的大浅盘,一般放置餐桌中央,用以盛肉、盛鱼等。例如:

A dish of fish and bread isn't to be despised.一盘鱼和面包不算很差。
Somebody has broken this dish.有人把这个盘子打碎了。
Now some people eat their food from paper plates.现在有人用纸盘子盛东西吃。
The white plate is banded with a blue line round the edge.白盘子加了一圈蓝边。
Please put the dish onto that wooden platter.请把那道菜盛在那只木盆里。
The meat platter must be put on the centre of the table.这只盛肉的盘子要放在餐桌中央。dish,plate




用作名词 n.
动词+~clean a dish刷洗盘子clear away a dish收拾盘子do the dish洗碗碟eat the dishes吃菜have the dishes吃菜order a dish点菜pile up dishes把盘子摞起来prepare dishes做菜select a dish点菜,选择菜serve a dish供应菜wash up the dishes洗盘子形容词+~attractive dish吸引人的菜beautiful dish漂亮的盘子Chinese dish中国菜clean dish干净的盘子cold dish冷菜delicious dish味道鲜美的菜every dish每道菜made dish拼盘main dish主菜plain dish家常便饭pretty dish漂亮的盘子rich dish佳肴same dish相同的菜special dish特别的菜unusual dish不同寻常的一道菜warm dish热菜名词+~butter dish黄油碟breakfast dish早餐菜china dish瓷盘子meat dish肉食side dish与主菜同时上的配菜~+介词a dish of一道…菜a dish of fish一道鱼用作动词 v.~+名词dish one's hopes使希望破灭dish one's opponent击败对手dish the dirt说坏话,揭某人的短~+副词dish out大量给予或分发dish up上菜,提供,供给
dish out v.+adv.

大量给予或分发 give away a lot of sth

dish sth ⇔ outPlease help me to dish out the vegetables.请帮我把菜装盘端出。
The chef dished out the salad.厨师端上了色拉。
She dished out the food.她用餐时分饭菜。
She was dishing out food to children.她在给孩子们分食物。
Stand at the door and dish out the papers as the students come in.当学生们进来时,你站在门口分发试卷。
They dish out clean towels on Monday.星期一他们分发毛巾。
There were students dishing out leaflets to passer-by.有学生向路人散发传单。
Aunt Mabel likes to dish out advise to young people, whether they want it or not.玛伯尔大婶总喜欢随便教训年轻人,不管他们愿意与否。
This young teacher dishes out rewards to his students to try to win their favour.这位年轻的教师为了赢得学生的好感,总是滥给他们奖赏。
dish up v.+adv.

提供,供给 present or offer sth

dish upI shall be ready to dish up in a few minutes; are the family all at the table?全家人都入席了吗?我准备上菜。dish sth ⇔ upHe dished up the stew.他把炖肉盛到了盘中。
Help me dish up the vegetables.帮我把蔬菜盛起来。dish sth ⇔ upI hope the next speaker dishes up his arguments in a more interesting manner.我希望下一个发言人更加饶有风趣地提出他的论点。
He dished up a lot of useful facts and figures.他拿出了许多有用的事实和数据。
They're dishing up the usual arguments in a new form.他们将老调子改头换面,又端出来了。小学英语速记音律记忆:一条fish鱼,成为dish佳肴,没有wish希望故事记忆心中 Wish愿望钓到 Fish鱼做成 Dish菜非常记忆fish鱼⇒盘里的鱼被弟d弟吃光了近义词 bag袋bowl碗give给plate碟tray托盘serve服务pan平底锅peach桃子saucer茶托beauty美人dishful一碟dish out给予lulu卓越的人container容器smasher打碎者receptacle容器looker观看的人sweetheart心上人dish aerial碟形天线knockout引人注目的…stunner使人晕倒之物…dish antenna截抛物面天线…cup of tea喜爱的人或事物…ravisherravish的名词形式…serve up端上食物、饮料等…dish up把食物装盘, 盛在盘…mantrap给入侵私人领地者设的…
用作名词n.He dried the dishes carefully.他小心地把碟子擦干。
She washed the dishes and then dried them one by one.她洗了盘子,然后把它们一个一个擦干。
Stop dreaming up any new reason for not washing the dishes,Jimmy.吉米,别再编造什么新的借口逃避洗碟子了。
Breaking dishes was one of her failings.经常打碎盘子是她的一个老毛病。
There is a flaw in the dish.这盘子有瑕疵。
They left me with a stack of dirty dishes.他们留给我一摞脏盘子。
You must wash the dishes before you go out.你出去前必须洗好盘子。
The main dish is a fried steak.主菜是炸牛排。
The vegetables were in separate china dishes.蔬菜分装在几只瓷盘里。
I waited for a moment, wondering what special dish she might prepare.我等了一会儿,心想她会做什么特别的菜呢。
He liked the dish of kidneys best.他最喜欢吃那盘腰子。
Put the potatoes in the bluedish.把土豆放到那只蓝盘子中。
He likes cold dishes.他喜欢吃凉菜。
There are eggs in thisdish.这个盘子里有鸡蛋。
How do you find thedish?这道菜你觉得怎么样?
He stayed to dry the dishes after his mother had washed them.他呆在那儿把母亲洗净的餐具擦干净。
Mary's new boyfriend is quite adish, isn't he?玛丽新交的男朋友挺帅的,是不是?用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The scandal dished his hopes of being elected.这丑闻使他当选的希望破灭了。Pdishesn.餐具Pdisheda.中凹的Pdishragn.洗碟布Pdishya.有魅力的Pdishclothn.洗碟布Pdishwaren.碟盆餐具Pdishfuln.一碟一碟量Pdishcloutn.抹布软弱的人Pculture-dish培养碟培养皿Pdishwashern.洗碗机洗碗工Pdishwatern.洗碟子的水味道蹩脚的汤






dish用作动词时,意思是“盛于碟或盘中”,常用于习语dish out和dish up中。在口语中, dish还可表示“使某人的希望破灭”“破坏某人的机会”“使某人不能成功”。dish用作及物动词,可用于被动结构。

用作名词The careless waiter dropped thedishonto the ground.那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。
Thatdishis too shallow to serve soup in.那只盘子太浅了,不能盛汤。
This glassdishis very fragile.这玻璃碟子十分易碎。
He knows the recipe for thisdish.他知道这道菜的烹饪方法。
You could use tomato sauce for thisdish.你可以用蕃茄沙司来配这道菜肴。
The meat should be finely diced for thisdish.做这种菜肴肉必须细细切成小方块。用作及物动词She asked Mary to help herdishup the dinner.她要玛丽帮她把菜肴分盛到盘子里。用作不及物动词That salesman could reallydishit out.那个推销员确实能说会道。noun.eating receptacle
同义词 bowl,container,cup,plate,platter,pot,traycasserole,ceramic,china,mug,pitcher,porringer,pottery,salver,saucer,vesselnoun.main part of meal
同义词 fare,food,recipecourse,eats,helping,servingentréenoun.attractive woman
同义词 tomatoangel,babe,broad,bunny,centerfold,chick,cupcake,doll,fox,honey,peach,pin-upbathing beauty,beauty queen,cover girl,cutie,cutie-pie,dollface,dreamboat,dream girl,glamor girl,good-looking woman,hot dish,hot number,raving beauty,sex bunny,sex kitten,sex pot
beautynoun good-looking person
Adonis,Apollo,Venus,babe,beaut,beauty queen,belle,charmer,dazzler,doll,dreamboat,eyeful,fox,good-looker,head turner,knockout,looker,stunner,vision
bowlnoun hollow, concave container
basin,boat,casserole,crock,deep dish,dish,porringer,pot,saucer,tureen,urn,vessel
broadnoun(offensivea woman)
babe,bimbo,chick,dame,dish,doll,female,floozy,gal,girl,honey,skirt,sweet thing,tootsie
containernoun holder for physical object
containersnoun holder for physical object
dipverb scoop, ladle
bail,bale,bucket,decant,dish,draft off,draw,draw out,dredge,handle,lade,lift,offer,reach into,shovel,spoon,strain And to keep with the theme of Depression-era meals, serve this dish over toast.
为了保持大萧条本色,这道菜一定要浇在烤面包上面上桌。 douban

There is too much flavouring in the dish.

But not the greasy, deep dish kind piled high with bacon and sausage.
但不是那些油腻的,深盘子里高高地装满了熏肉和香肠那种。 hxen

Do you enjoy this dish?
您喜欢吃这个菜吗? ebigear

He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish.
他除了浅盘子中的一点汤以外,什么也没有准备。 ebigear

I remained calm and showed her another dish.
我镇静自若,并向她展示另一道菜。 edu.sina.com.cn

If you are sure you would say “ No, thanks!” to this dish, think again.
如果你知道了,别人请你吃时,你一定会对这道菜说:“不,谢谢。”再想想。 edu.sina.com.cn

Our cat eats out of her own dish.

Pour some cola into a shallow dish and place it in the garden near the problem area.
在一张浅碟里倒些可乐,然后把它放在花园中虫子经常出没的地方附近。 kekenet

Take a camera so you can remember each dish you master.
记得带上摄像机,这样你就能记住每道学过的菜了。 yeeyan

The waiter brought up the next dish.

The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground.
那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。 ebigear

The true education dish should be served in schools daily.
这道真正教育的“菜”学校应该每天提供。 yeeyan

The dish is usually served with a rich onion gravy.
这道菜通常都和浓郁的洋葱肉汁一起食用。 cri

This dish tastes very refreshing.

You take food from one dish on the table.
你从桌上的一个盘子里拿些食物。 hjenglish




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